Possible ectopic ?

Hello everyone ,need some one to talk to so here goes .

Found out I was pregnant Friday making me 4 weeks 3 days had slight niggling pain in left side Sunday eve , called NHS direct and they said doc will call soon , waited 10 mins doc phoned told me to go to a+e so off I went and had bloods done and told epu will call in morning to arrange scan .

Went in Monday morning and scan told I’m 4weeks6 days , nothing seen at all apart from a pseudo sac ( think ) it’s called , only small and told nothing to worry about ,have corpus letum cyst on right side but told that’s also normal for early pregnancy ,bloods came back at 77 , midwife lady said it all seems normal and ok and to come back in 48 hrs to see if bloods rising , I haven’t really had any more pain and feel ok in myself ,I go back in morning for bloods .

Does anyone think it can be ok and still have normal pregnancy?

How long does it take for bloods to come back ?

Have been driving myself sick with worry and praying everything ok.

I’m also type 2 diabetic

Any feedback would be fab , I ill update tomorrow :slight_smile:

T hanks Em xx