Sure it's another ectopic, but the line was so dark

I had an ectopic treated with mtx last summer. Got a positive test on Fri 2 days before period due, a very bold positive in the middle of the day. Last time my tests were always super faint. Does it being darker so early mean anything?

I’ve been spotting since conception (thats odd right?!) and feel a pulling on ectopic side, sometimes achey. EPAU have me booked in for next Fri but I will call if spotting turns to bleeding/fills a pad or if i get any other symptoms.

I’m pretty resigned to it being ectopic, it feels the same, just dont know why test would be so dark.

Dear RedmondCate,

Whispered congratulations on your pregnancy.

Unfortunately the darkness of pregnancy tests doesn’t tell us an awful lot. I my case, The rest for my ectopic pregnancy was very dark but the rest for my successful pregnancy was very light. I think it just depends upon brands, hormone levels and even what time of day we take the test.

After an ectopic pregnancy, finding we are pregnant again can be a mix of emotions and I can completely understand your feeling nervous. It is perfectly normal to feel scared after the ordeal you have endured. I also felt twinges and aches after my ectopic pregnancy, particularly when I next felt pregnant. My mind started racing and I was only really able to relax to some degree after my early scan. It is a nerve-wracking time and you have a friend here who understands how you are feeling.

Some ladies can lightly spot in early pregnancy and go on to have normal pregnancies, however I would urge caution in anyone with a history of ectopic pregnancy and as you have stayed seek urgent medical advice if this is the pain worsens at all.

Sending much love and positive thoughts,

Karen x

The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust

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Thanks for your response. The spotting has stopped for now but the dragging feeling on my left side continues, it’s not really painful though just crampy now and then so just got to wait til next weeks scan.


Any update, how are you going now?

The line darkness doesn’t mean much as most home tests read about 25 so continuing light lines can be an indicator of something wrong with the pregnancy, but dark lines don’t mean much as hCG in the hundreds or thousands will show up very dark and can still be ectopic etc.

Spotting is kind of similar in that it is often a sign of ectopic but apparently it is also common in other pregnancies! I was surprised to find research showing 25% of women may spot in early pregnancy and while it was often an indicator of miscarriage, there was a fairly high % of that 25% who went on to have a regular pregnancy.

In terms of the side twinge, also really hard to say, I felt corpus luteum pain which was assumed to be ectopic pain but turns out it was on the opposite side to the ectopic. I know this pain can be the same without an ectopic too. It’s not easy when there are no clear signs. I hope you get get hCG blood monitoring and early ultrasounds.

Best of luck

Not much more to report yet. I have had a few days with no spotting then it returned but only in the mornings after first pee, nothing today. Still very aware of left hand side and there’s definitely something happening on that side that isnt on the othet but the midwife at epau said “iv no clue why you’d be feeling that” so that’s comforting!

Have a ClearBlue weeks test but not sure if there’s any point as guessing ectopic numbers do go up anyway so it would possibly give false hope. I know these things are temperamental and the only thing that’ll tell for certain is Friday’s scan. I just hope they can confirm if it’s ectopic or not, 5 weeks was too early last time.