Hi all,
I wanted to share my story in the hope that it helps some of you out there who are still chasing your rainbow baby following an ectopic. Hopefully this resonates with some of you so you can be reassured that you’re not alone in how you’re feeling. So here’s my story (tried to make this as brief as poss :lol: )
I have a 3.5 yr old son already who we conceived easily and who was born in 2016. It was a traumatic birth with months of postnatal complications so once fully recovered, we decided to try for another baby last year. After only two months of trying we were pregnant but I only discovered I was pregnant as my ‘period’ was dragging on and I thought it best to do a test in case it was implantation bleeding. Turns out it wasn’t my period or implantation bleeding at all but an ectopic and I had my pregnancy along with my right Fallopian tube removed on June 11th 2018. We were devastated but decided to try again ASAP as I’ve read all the statistics about avg time to fall pregnant after ectopic but hey, we fell pregnant super quick both times before and I may be a tube down, but this will happen again for us super quick, right? Well, no that wasn’t the case. Month after month of disappointment and upset ensued. In May this year I had further laparoscopic surgery to investigate some pelvic pain I had been experiencing since my ectopic (assumed to be scar tissue) which proved inconclusive but it did confirm that everything is at least looking good inside. Week after week I had blood tests to determine if there were any other underlying fertility issue…there wasn’t. Hubby had his sperm checked too, no major cause for concern there either. So why wasn’t this happening for us?? Hubby and I were arguing a LOT and things didn’t look pretty. I was consumed with doing research trying to find a reason. I do NOT recommend this. Easier said than done I know but stress is clearly a factor in fertility and this was definitely not helping either of us!
Well in August we started looking into IVF as we felt this was our only route now. Having just turned 38 I felt the age pressure. For me personally, I did not want to be pregnant at 40. So the appointments started…more blood tests, more internal scans, more money! I started doing acupuncture as well. We decided to postpone our IVF planning meeting a month as I was still researching other IVF clinic options (including abroad) and this meant we had one more month of trying naturally before commencing meds in early November. Well…two days before my clinic visit, my period was due…it didn’t arrive! I finally got my BFP I was in complete shock! I’m now 8 weeks pregnant and have had a successful 6 week scan where they picked up a heartbeat so everything running smoothly so far. I’d be lying if I didn’t say the wait for the scan wasn’t scary. It was…I was super nervous about having another ectopic, but there was no bleeding or other symptoms (just mild cramping) so I tried my best to stay positive. I’m not sure my anxiety will fully go throughout this entire pregnancy which I think is to be expected.
Well there it is…a happy ending! Thank you to anyone who made it to the end of my story, sorry it was an essay. I just really hope this helps give hope to others. You are not alone, it’s a bloody horrible time but stay positive, avoid stress and be patient!