Hi there,
I haven’t been on here for a while to post but often return to read, as this forum has been invaluable to me and such a support.
Just want to share my story of hope with you all, cause I remember being in the grip of worry, fear and hopelessness wondering if i’d ever be a Mum, and it nearly destroyed me.
I had my first ectopic pregnancy in 2010- right tube removed, then went on to have a lap & dye to check if my left tube was patent. I received the good news that it was and after 7 months of no joy was prescribed clomid. To my shock I got pregnant the first month and was then devastated to find out found out this pregnancy was also ectopic. I chose to have methotrexate to preserve my tube but assumed that that there was little to no hope of getting pregnant as it was obvious to me that the tube was damaged or I wouldn’t have had a 2nd ectopic pregnancy on this side. I suppose I just wasn’t ready to say goodbye to my fertility and have the slim chance of IVF as my only hope. Despite this I feared trying again naturally as I reasoned I was likely to have a 3rd ep, so asked to be referred for IVF after all. My miracle 7 month old son is now sleeping beside me after the treatment worked first time.
Fast forward to the past week, where I had been experienced period type pain, but no arrival of period. I was out shopping in the supermarket and on a whim decided to buy a pregnancy test to rule it out, as I was worried about the pain wondering if I could be having another ep! To be utter shock the two tests were positive!! as was the one I bought the following morning. I practically ran to the EPU in terror, convinced of another ectopic as I only had my left ‘damaged’ tube remaining, and had tried for 7 months or more before becoming pregnant with both ep pregnancies.
For the past week I had experienced period type pain but no period materialised, also felt a bit unwell. I was shopping and decided to by a pregnancy test to rule it out, especially as I feared I could be having an ep due to the pain. To my utter shock, both tests in the pack were Positive!! I practically flew to the EPU the following day, convinced I was having my 3rd EP as I only have my left ‘damaged’ tube remaining. For the first time ever I was taken seriously in the EPU, and treated well, I thought I would be subjected to blood tests every 48 hours to monitor the HCG levels until they decided to scan me. To me amazement a consultant wanted to scan me there and then. I was on my own with just the baby, my partner having left work to meet me half an hour a way. I was petrified shaking from head to toe, but just held my baby’s hand and looked at him thinking ‘im lucky, ive got you’. Then I heard the works ‘the pregnancy is in the uterus’. It is very early days… just 4-5 weeks. But I just can’t believe this has happened. It feels miraculous.
Just wanted to share that no matter what, miracles can happen. I soaked up stories of hope when I had none left, hope this helps somebody. xx