Sex after ectopic surgery

I had an PUL ectopic pregnancy and surgery removing right tube on Dec 11th. Diagnosed and surgery all within 2hours. Didn’t know was pregnant. Had been trying but I thought I had my period the week before.

First week was hard post op but otherwise recovering. Still struggling to hold/carry my 1.5yo boy.

We had sex 13 days post surgery. And again yesterday 2.5weeks post. We just felt like it, I wanted to feel normal again. We were careful to not put pressure on my stomach. I’m now freaking out now worrying about things like PID, causing post op infection and what if I get pregnant straight away. Scared of causing another ectopic from trying again too soon. We want to try for another but I’m scared now what if get pregnant so quickly after surgery. The Doctor said was fine to try when felt ready but everything online says to wait 2 cycles. Just wondering if anyone else has had sex so soon after ectopic surgery.

Dear livhass,

I am so sorry to hear of your ectopic pregnancy loss and the worrying time you are going through,

We often hear from women who receive varied information about timings to try to conceive again. There is sadly little research in the area of early pregnancy loss, so we do not have any definitive evidence, only guidance from health care professionals.

From a practical point of view, as periods can be different after having an ectopic pregnancy, having two proper bleeds provides women more of a picture of what their menstrual cycle length is with the two dates, and also gives a more accurate information to date a next pregnancy.

The first proper period you have after an ectopic pregnancy is likely to be heavier than usual and the second more like your usual period. A normal period would suggest you are hormonally ready to be able to try to conceive.

The additional time is also to allow for emotional healing too.

It is impossible to know at exactly which point you will be fully physically healed and it can take up to six weeks. As there is no clear, researched evidence on how long a woman should wait to try to conceive after an ectopic pregnancy, the information on our website sets out practical and emotional reasons why many medical professionals advise waiting at least two proper periods including last menstrual period date, physical healing, hormonal healing, and emotional healing.

The information is here- … eive-again

I thought I’d mention that before having a period you have to ovulate and it is possible to become pregnant without having a proper period first, if you are not using contraception. If you feel you maybe pregnant, I would advise completing a pregnancy test on the day of your expected period. If you have any symptoms of ectopic pregnancy or are concerned, please seek medical advice.

Sending much love,

Karen x

The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust

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