:roll: i am 6 weeks post op and have been told all different time lines as to when its safe to try for a baby …
:roll: i am 6 weeks post op and have been told all different time lines as to when its safe to try for a baby …
Dear Kelly_W16,
I am so sorry to hear of your ectopic pregnancy and loss.
Following surgery, we and many medical professionals advise waiting at least two menstrual cycles before trying to conceive again - and this is the same with expectant management treatment, too (ie allowing time for the body to resolve the pregnancy without medical or surgical treatment).
This “wait” is to allow your cycles to resume and have a last menstrual period date from which to date a new pregnancy - important information for checking for ectopic pregnancy in the future. It also allows time for your emotions to surface and be worked through after your ordeal.
Please note that the first bleed after an ectopic pregnancy is not classed as a period - it is the body’s response to falling hormone levels as you are sadly no longer pregnant and shedding of the uterine lining that had build up which involves bleeding.
Importantly early scans avail. As soon as you know you are pregnant, contact your local EPU to inform them and book in for an early scan at around six weeks. Remind them of your previous ectopic pregnancy. This self refer route is the best route in our view. Hopefully you will have some comfort to know you are under the radar of medical professionals right away.
I hope this helps,
Sending much love,
Karen x
If we have been able to help you, are you able to help us with a small donation or by volunteering?
Further information is available at www.ectopic.org.uk
Email us at ept@ectopic.org.uk.
Our helpline is 020 7733 2653 (available Monday to Friday 10am - 4pm).
Detailed medical information can be found on our website. Please remember online medical information is NO SUBSTITUTE for expert medical advice from your own health care team.
Hi Kelly,
Thought I reply with my experience to help you as i had a second ectopic after 5 months of the first one. First in Feb 2016 and second one July 2016.
My husband and I also didn’t know I was pregnant with the second one as I had a four day heavy period and so I didn’t think anything of it.
The second ectopic was scary as it ruptured and was taken to emergency at the hospital, I too was told I was pregnant at the hospital and the sad news followed.
The pregnancy was in the stump of the Fallopian tube which was removed on the first ectopic. Even doctors were shocked!
I’ve been told to wait a year before we try again. I wish I was told that the first time round!
We look forward to trying also! But this time with patience.
Hope it helps!