Wondering if anyone could help, I’ve just had my first positive since my ectopic and right tube removal in December 2020, I literally got my positive this morning and have started bleeding literally half an hour after I got my positive it’s been very light and only really when I wipe but I’m absolutely devastated as I finally felt a little happiness and hope and it’s been taken away instantly as I can’t help but think this is another ectopic especially as I’m bleeding slightly and it all feels too familiar.
I have contacted to EPU already and will be going through them but I’m just so so disappointed I really thought this might have been ok. Has anyone else gone on to have healthy pregnancy’s after ectopic even though they were bleeding ?
Dear Chloe,
Whispered congratulations on your pregnancy and I am so sorry to hear of the worrying time you are going through.
Some women do have early pregnancy bleeding and go on to have a successful pregnancy, but I do sadly have to remind you to seek urgent medical advice if the bleeding becomes heavier or you are experiencing pain.
Sending much love and positive thoughts,
Karen x
The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust
Registered Charity Number: 1071811
Ectopic pregnancy patient information suite: Highly Commended in the 2019 BMA Patient Information Awards
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I had an ectopic in August 2020 that was treated with Methotrexate. I started to try again in January and felt pregnancy symptoms in Feb, but sadly it turned out to be a chemical pregnancy. I did check with my Dr to make sure the HCG levels were negative to rule out another ectopic. I wonder if it takes our bodies a couple of extra cycles to get back to normal. Everyone is different I guess.
I hope that you are just having implantation bleeding, I have my fingers and toes crossed for you! Good luck with your Dr visit <3