Hi, I found out on Friday after a year of trying that I’m pregnant. I had my first ectopic in 2015 and they removed my right tube then I had another in 2018 with was treated with methotrexate. I’ve phoned the dr up today and had to ask for an early scan, according to her they don’t do it unless I’m having the symptoms of another ectopic. She didn’t seem concerned with my history and didn’t send me to the EPU. I know this isn’t right as when I had my second they had me in every other day taking my bloods to check my hormone level and they scanned me. Anyway she’s requested an early scan as I said I wanted one. I didn’t really want to go to the EPU every other day and he prodded and pulled about as it just made it more stressful but she didn’t refer me to them. I’ve been having a few twinges and a bit of light cramping over the past couple of days, not overly painful but it’s on my left side and that’s the only tube I have so it’s worrying me. I know I’m going to be overly sensitive to any niggles but I really hate the waiting. I haven’t had any spotting and I remember the bleeding came more or less straight after the pain for the first one and the second one I didn’t have any pain just saw the blood. I don’t know if I’m getting myself worked up over nothing, has anyone else had these twinges and everything turned out ok? I remember during both my ectopics I never had any nausea or sickness but this time round I have had nausea, I’ve convinced myself this is a good thing. I’m hoping posted here can help me feel less alone. My husband is great but he can’t feel what I feel. Thanks
Dear aimee,
Whispered congratulations on your pregnancy,
After an ectopic pregnancy, finding we are pregnant again can be a mix of emotions and I can completely understand your feeling nervous. It is perfectly normal to feel scared after the ordeal you have endured. I also felt twinges and aches after my ectopic pregnancy, particularly when I next felt pregnant. My mind started racing and I was only really able to relax to some degree after my early scan. It is a nerve-wracking time and you have a friend here who understands how you are feeling.
You absolutely should have an early pregnancy scan following ectopic pregnancy. This is part of national NICE guidance which medical professionals should be following. I’m sorry you had to argue for this but I’m glad you stood your ground and have a scan.
unfortunately I am not medically trained so would suggest speaking to a medical professional about any pain or discomfort and whilst I do not wish to alarm you, I always advise seeking urgent medical advice with any worsening pain or If you develop any bleeding or feel unwell with shoulder tip pain or are dizzy and unwell.
Sending much love and positive thoughts,
Karen x
The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust
Registered Charity Number: 1071811
Ectopic pregnancy patient information suite: Highly Commended in the 2019 BMA Patient Information Awards
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Hi Aimee, sounds like we are in the same boat although I’ve only had the one ectopic and had MTX treatment rather than tube removal. I am having twinges and some pain on my right where my ectopic was but I don’t know if it’s normal to feel some pain where u previously had an ectopic.
I too feel v pregnant and my symptoms have been super strong from v early on so I’m also hoping that’s a good sign. There r a couple of posts on here about people having 2 ectopics so that’s made me worry that it’s quite common to have a second tbh but all we can do is have hope, PMA it up and sit tight. I find chocolate helps a little…we r pregnant after all ;0)
Let me know how you get on. I have a scan on Monday - my blood test results from yesterday had shot up by almost 100 percent so I’m hopeful but also aware of what could be.
Will say a little prayer for u x
Thank you both for replying. I’m sat in A&E now after the pains got worse. They’ve taken blood tests and just waiting for the results and to see what else they say.
Good luck for Monday, I’ll keep everything crossed for you. X