Hi everyone this is the first time I’ve posted here but I’m desperate for some support. So I got my bfp yesterday at 10dpo I am literally 3+4 weeks pregnant and haven’t even missed af yet. My ectopic was in march where at 6+2wks they found the pregnancy in my right tube. As my hcg levels were 20000 they had no option but to remove that tube. I had no symptoms apart from spotting from 8dpo.
Now I’m pregnant again I’m worrying myself to the point of Ill health. I am getting mild intermittent stabbing pains in my lift side and shooty pains into my bottom occasionally. I’ve spoken to epu but they have said not a lot they can do until I’m a bit further along when they can scan me. Seen my gp this morning who has said technically it’s not a pregnancy until my missed period but has requested hcg levels today and Monday. I don’t think hcg levels prove much though as they were normal in my last ectopic. Convinced this isn’t going to end well for me and I’m going to lose my only tube. Feeling very scared and upset that I’m just being left. Sorry for the negativity. Xx
Sorry to hear you’re scared, Vikki. Try not to worry (easier said than done, I know). It is normal to be terrified after an ectopic. I know I was. After an ectopic, you are more aware of any pain. I wish you good luck!
Thank you lilykedd, it’s all I can think about I wish I could take my mind of it but it’s so hard. My emotions are in waves, one minute I feel a bit positive that it will all be ok and the next minute I’m thinking the worst. It a waiting game… a very torturous one!
I can only imagine how you must feel. We are in our first month trying again after being treated with methotrexate in March for an eptopic. I know I won’t be able to settle until I have had that first 6 week scan and I’m not even pregnant yet!! Keep us posted on our progress and good luck. X
Hi Sam, if I’m honest I’m not doing very well. My hcg levels are rising as normal 174 on Friday and 632 monday but I have all these sharp stabby pains all around my left pelvic area. They come and go but are there more often than not. One minute they are really low down, the next in my groin and then in my leg, hip and back. I’m so so scared I’m not sure I can handle another loss especially my only tube. I lost a baby last October at 22weeks too so I’m finding all this extremely hard. Epu want to see me Friday to try and put my mind at ease one way or the other even though I will only be 4+4. I’m praying for a miracle right now xx
Aww vikki I’m so sorry to hear about ur last baby u must be finding this whole situation extremely stressful. Its good ur hcg levels are doubling. I sometimes think we are more aware of aches and pains after an ectopic. I hope ur scan at epac will give u more answers as usually we would say once it hcg levels get to 1500-2000 we should be able to see something on scan. My fingers are crossed please let me know how u get on xxx
hi how did you get on? I’m in a similar situation so just looking for some advice. I have been spotting now for over a week back pain and cramps in my left side. I was treated for an ectopic in March and started trying to conceive at the end of June. I am petrified the same thing is happening again and I don’t know what to do! My last period was only last month but I didn’t document it so cannot remember what date! hope everything went well for you X
Hi char I had my scan at 4+4 and they found a sac in the right place. Congratulations to you and I hope it turns out ok but you need to get referred into epu for an early scan x
Thanks for your reply Vikki been to the doctors and they have referred me for hcgs today and Monday so won’t know anything more until then. They can’t scan me until they think I’m six weeks so they have booked that for the 21st of this month. I am still spotting intermittently and still got quite uncomfortable pain in my left side so I’m not getting my hopes up! Congratulations to you I hope you have a happy and healthy pregnancy Xx
Shame they won’t scan you a bit sooner. Epu got me in straight away because I was having left sided pain. Hopefully your hcg levels will shed some light. Good luck let me know how you get on. Will be thinking about you xx
i strongly recommend just going to a&e if you are in pain, when I had my ectopic I had pain and kept being fobbed off saying they won’t scan until 6 weeks but mine ruptured at just under 5 and I had to endure a lot of pain just believing them that they couldnt. I don’t mean to try and scare you but if you go to a&e they will scan you there if you are in a lot of pain though there may be a hell of a wait but it is better than waiting days/weeks to get the healthcare you need, my regret is I did not go sooner and if things turn out ok for you you will have the peace of mind that its ok
Hi all, Vikki I’m exactly the same as you. Previously had 2 ectopics, the second resulted in my left tube being removed. Just found out I’m pregnant today and burst into tears as I’ve been having pains since ovulation. Just like you they are left and right, up and down, in my back, in my leg, but I feel like I’m getting more and more localised pain in my remaining tube and I’m absolutely terrified.
I’m so pleased to ear they found a sac for you as that’s a really good sign right?? Have you had any more news since? Lucy x