Period after Methotrexate

Hi, I had my last shot of methotrexate on Nov. 4, 2019 at a 1,700mUI and last Jan 7 I did a blood test resulting of 20 mUI but until now I haven’t get my period yet, its been 3 months. Any ideas about my condition please ? :cry: :cry:

Dear Alynflores,

I am so sorry to hear of your ectopic pregnancy and loss,

Your periods can take a while to re-establish and they can re-start once hCG levels have fallen below about 100mIU/mL and most women find that their period arrives some time in the four weeks after their hCG levels have fallen to 0 if treated with Methotrexate. As it has been over this time now, I would advise speaking to your Dr. It maybe that it is just a little more time needed but it may reassure you speaking to a medical professional.

Sending much love,

Karen x

The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust

Registered Charity Number: 1071811

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Thank you for response … May I ask if the negative result of pregnancy test means my hCG has already fallen ?