Panicking low hcg

Hi girls, had tube removed with ectopic pregnancy in June. Before Christmas find out that I am pregnant again. Gp wouldn’t do anything just took the bloods to confirm pregnancy. At exactly 5 weeks hcg levels came back at 202. Isn’t it very low? Doctor says all is normal. Scan is on the 5th January and can’t stop panicking.

Hi Gitast

I wouldn’t really worry too much I think there is such a broad range of what the hcg should be at however many weeks. At epu they did say to me that everyone is different. Yours definately seems to be within range. Like someone else said you many have implanted a little later too xx

Thanks princess, I just can’t stop crying today. So scared that it won’t be a good news.

I know how you feel Gitast, hang on in there not long now till your scan . I said to my partner if we get one little bundle I don’t think I could go through this again xx

Hi gistast. My levels at 5 weeks were 212 and was told that was perfectly normal.

Best of luck xxx

Thanks Lori2014, I so needed to hear that. Xxx

Hi, my levels at 4 weeks were 25!!! So low I was convinced it was going to end badly…Everything is going fine for me, I am now 10 weeks and have seen a strong heartbeat at 6 weeks and 8 weeks. I know things could still go wrong but Try to be positive! I got so worried, but in the end I told myself I had no way of controlling what is going to happen and to enjoy whatever time I am given with my baby. Thinking of you, I know this is so hard! Xx

Hi gitast,

I am in a similar situation. I had an ectopic on the right side exactly last year which was treated with metho. I found out I am pregnant again on 26 dec. My levels are low. At 14 dpo it was 13 and at 16 dpo it was 23. I am super scared. I too have a scan on 5th Jan. I will be exactly 5 weeks then. I really hope things turn out in the right direction for us. U will be in my prayers. Lots of love and luck to you

Hi Namia,

Thank you so much for the reply. I really hope all will turn out to be ok. My hope is that I have no spotting or bleading and have no pain. Haven’t got many symptoms which I think is because of low hcg.

I will be thinking of you and will pray for you. Please let me know how you’ll get on. On Monday I’ll be 6 weeks 4 days.


Hi gitast,

Thanks for your reply. Hope you are doing great. All the very best for your scan. :slight_smile: Hope everything turns out great tomorrow

Hi Namia,

Had bleeding yesterday morning and was certain it will be another ectopic. So scary. Spent all day in hospital. They did a scan and found my little bean in the right place. Seen something flickering but Dr wasn’t sure if it was a heartbeat. Will have to go back in the next few weeks bit more relaxed now.

Levels were 12000 which isn’t overly high but was told that everyone is different and everything seems to be ok. Bleeding settled. On the scan they’ve seen a small clot which was the cause of a bleed.

Good luck to you I’m sure all will be fine. Please let me know. Xxxx

Hi Gitast

Was just checking posts for news from you. So sorry yesterday was a worrying day for you but so very happy your little bean made it home! What wonderful news. Look after yourself and try and relax. Hugs xx

Thank you princess, it’s such a relief that my baby is safe. Just hope I will see a heartbeat. Scan booked next Tuesday. How are you? Have you got more symptoms? I feel more nauseous and have a sore back. Xxx

Hey gitast,

Thts some awesome news now. So very happy for you :). Now just sit back and relax and enjoy the rest of your pregnancy :slight_smile:

My scan is in 3 hours. I m really nervous. I dont have any symptoms yet but I do have some discomfort on the right side. My hcg at 4 weeks 5 days was just 98! I dont think there is much of a chance tht something will b seen on scan. Anyway just hoping for the best.

wishing you all possible luck. I’ll keep everything crossed for you. Please let me know how you’ll get on. Don’t worry about hsg levels. Mine changed dramatically in a week. Hugs and positive vibes xxxxx

Hey gitast,

Thank you so very much for that sweet post.

I am done with my scan. Doctors could not see anything in the uterus and tubes. They are saying its very early. They have scheduled me another scan next Thursday. I will be 6 weeks 4 days by then. I hope my hcg levels rise and I dont bleed by thn. Going to be a long wait. Hoping for the best.

All the very best for your scan. Hope you see your little bean’s heartbeat. Lots of luck and prayers

Aww Namia, try to be positive. It will work out well. I will be praying for you. Just call in to chat if it will make easier the wait. And I am sure you will see your little bean safe. Hugs xxx

Hey Gitast

I feel more nauseous too, lasts a few hours from when I first wake up. I’m suffering with migraine too I’m a sufferer anyway and believe they get worse in pregnancy :frowning: I’m discharged from epu now so need to contact the midwife. Xx

Hi princess hopefully all symptoms will get better after 12 weeks. I really look forward till I’ll see baby’s heartbeat and can contact midwife. When is your due date? By the last day of Af mine is 26th of August but I have a feeling that my bean implanted later. Especially when my test was so faint and levels so low at 5 weeks. Hopefully will know more next Tuesday as at a scan yesterday Dr really rushed didnt even measure anything. Look after yourself. Hugs xxx

Princess I also forgot to ask what scan they did when you came back to check the heart beat? I spoke to nurse today and she said to come with a full bladder and they will do abdominal scan. I am worried that they won’t see anything as last I had was transvaginal. Xx