Low HCG.... another ectopic? :(

I had an ectopic in June last year, I didn’t find out until around 8 weeks because I had what I thought was my period in between and negative pt. I had surgery and luckily they saved my tube, but they also told me I have endo and this could potentially increase my chances of another ectopic in the future.

After months of trying, I’m pregnant again!!! I’m only just over 4 weeks but I went to the doctor to avoid a repeat of last time. I got my HCG results today and it was only 111, the doctor is concerned so of course I have gone into meltdown. I haven’t had any ectopic symtoms yet but I fear they’re on their way. It was heartbreaking telling my husband it could be happening again. I kind of wish I waited and didn’t go to the doctor, I’m just so impatient and want answers straight away. I have another blood test on Monday - preying for a miracle! Has anyone had HCG levels low at 4 weeks and still had a successful pregnancy??? I’m looking for hope…

Hi Leah,

Firstly sorry for your past ectopic.

Congratulations on your pregnancy. Sorry I don’t really have advice to give but didn’t want to read and run. We’re all here for each other.

I would have thought your HGC levels are low as you’re only 4 weeks. I hope and praying everything is fine.

How did your blood check go on Monday? Hope it went well.

We’re also going to start trying again this month. I am excited and we both feel ready but same time am very scared although the husband is super positive. Praying we get good news.

Luv J


Hi J,

Thanks so much for your support! It’s a crazy emotional roller coaster so it’s nice to have somewhere we can support each other.

My next HCG test was over 1000 so the doctor was happy, I also got sent for an early scan on Thursday last week and they could see what they needed to see in my uterus, it was the best feeling, I’m so grateful!

Sending you lots of good luck TTC again, it is scary trying again and sometimes hard to be positive, my husband has always been the positive one but sometimes I found it harder to let him down when I got a neg test. It took us 6months of TTC again, I hope it takes you even less time!

Leah xx