ovarian ectopic pregnancy

hi guys

I am currently dealing with a ovarian ectopic pregnancy, which me and my husband are obviously devesated. I am wanting to know why this has happened but I have been informed we are unlucky and probs never know why. We chose to have the methotrexate option Monday will be my 4th week of having the treatment and this last week I have struggled with trapped wind, the pain is horrendous. I dont feel like I have bled alot but something must be working as my last week blood results showed my hcg is down to 100 it was at 1960 at its highest. we cant wait to try again but i just want to be well in myself first and i just hope this does not happen again.

has any one else experienced an ovarian ectopic?



Hi nic

I have just suffered an ovarian ectopic pregnancy. Unfortunatly mine ruptured and I suffered massive internal bleeding and was in intensive care. All I kept being told in hospital was that it was so rare. Like I should feel special or something.

I’m really sorry for your loss. I’m struggling. At the moment everyone seems to be focusing on me and not many people seem to understand that I’m upset that I lost my baby.

My doctor has just told me that I should wait at least 6 months before we try again and that the risk of it happening again are now more than double. I think this is really worrying my partner.

I hope everything goes well for you. I have found this site really helpfull. It’s nice to know other people are feeling the same way and having the same struggles and that we are not alone.

Good luck



Hi Lisa

I am so sorry to hear of your loss, its a really hard time your going through but you must be positive and not give up hope.

How far on were you? Your ectopic sounds a lot worse off than mine and thankfully your ok and out of danger.

I dont think no one will understand how your feeling until they have gone through it themselves and wer all hear to talk at any time.

did your dr say why you had to wait 6 month? what treatment have you had?



I was 5-6 weeks gone. I ruptured so I had keyhole surgery but then because they couldn’t find where the bleeding was coming from they had to open me up.

I was lucky that I didn’t have to have my ovary or any of my tubes removed so everything is still in tact.

I’m not sure why the doctor told me 6months. He just said that would be a safe time to start trying again. He has given me the name of a doctor who specialises in fertility at my doctors surgery and suggested we go and speak with him so maybe I will find out a bit more then.

Hope your feeling ok and recovering well.



Hi Lisa

Hope your feeling better.

I had my fourth week hospital check yesterday since the methotrexate and i thought i may have been discharged but unfortunately not, they will only discharge if the hcg is below 20. have you had methotrexate or is that not needed with your rupture?

saturday 4th feb (day got admited) hcg was 1800

monday 6th feb (day got methotrexate shot) hcg was 1850

friday 10th feb (day 4 check) hcg was 1960

monday 13th feb (day 7 check) hcg was 1500

monday 20th feb hcg was 650

monday 27th feb hcg was 100

monday 6th march hcg was 64


Hi Nic

Sounds like you are having a similar experience to me, I have an ectopic in my right ovary and didn’t realise how rare it is. I have had 1 lot of methotrexate injections and my 4 day bloods showed a spike in hcg from 877 to 1350, which I’m worried is a big spike but I will see tomorrow if they have started to drop. I haven’t had much bleeding at all either.

It is such a worry and sadly I don’t think we will ever know why it happened which causes so much anxiety when thinking about trying again. I had a miscarriage before this in Nov last year and felt sure thing would be ok this time.

I was panicking about methotrexate and whether it would work for an ovarian ectopic so it’s reassuring to hear it worked for you, did you need more than one dose? Or did the first lot of jabs work?

Jo x

Hi Jo

sorry to hear what your going through, but we all need to be strong and positive.

I went to the hospital last week for my weekly check up and my hcg had come down to 14 so they have now discharged me as it was less than 20.

I wouldnt worry most cases the methotrexate works and it def did for me, one shot. The spike in your hcg is not a great big increase I would think that would be normal and tomorrow when you go for your check up you will see it decreasing.

I was worried when i first had my methotrexate that it wasnt working as I wasnt bleeding, I had no sickness or diahorrea. I did get a few stomach cramps and was feeling very tired. By my second week slight bleeding started and if not bleeding I have had brown discharge. But everyone is different and you must remember that!

Couple of weeks after the methotrexate I had horrendous stomach pains like trapped wind so painful. The dr checked my stomach a few times to make sure not hard and any sharp pain when touched. I was very bloated and was advised to take peppermint capsules which i do feel helped settle my stomach.

Tomorrow I am returning to work on phase return I do feel like I am returning early, mentally im fine but not sure physically. I am so tired this weekend and everyone has commented on how pale im looking, i just have no energy. But these are all side effects i was advised of as the methotrexate works on your full body to split your red blood sells it also temp damages your kidney and liver. Your immune system will also be very low. i now want a bit of routine and normality back in my life, so i feel going back to work will help me.

As my hcg was under 20 last week the dr advised me to start taking folic acid each day for the next 12 weeks and after that we can start trying again come June. I have decided to take the pregnacare tablets which has the 400mg of folic acid but also iron supplements which I thought would help me bring my iron levels back up.

let me know how you get on tomorrow xx