So I was just wondering if many people had been in the same situation as I’m in as just feeling a bit confused about it all…
Basically on Christmas Eve I found out I was pregnant with my 2nd a few weeks later I had a slight bleed and sadly when I had an early scan it showed a sac but it hadn’t developed as it should so no heartbeat. I was gutted… I had to wait a week so the hospital was sure and then they gave me a medical miscarriage. I waited the three weeks and bled heavily in that time. I then started to get really sharp pains in my left side and due to the bleeding etc they said to go back to check nothing had been retained. In the scan then confirmed by blood test they realised I also had a eptopic pregnancy in my ovary so presume I possibly had a heterotopic pregnancy which naturally is apparently really rare. I had two scans where the pregnancy on my ovary wasn’t picked up and according to the hospital they cannot say 100% what has happened as the scan quality of my first two scans is so poor… It’s really hard not really knowing quite what’s happened, if it was one pregnancy or two or if it was actually just one but a mistake was made by someone. I guess the positive is that if picked up at the beginning I would have had an ovary removed and luckily as it was three weeks later my consultant said let’s just hold fire and see what my bloods were doing - they were at that point at 4800 and now around 1200 mark, I am hoping they will keep coming down naturally.
Has anyone else had similar? What is the likelihood it will happen again? I have so many questions but it’s a bit like there isn’t an answer as my scans are poor. Sorry for the ramblings I just needed to put it out there as it just feels a bit of a lonely place at the moment…