I cant believe whats happened to me :(

I was given the methotrexate injection last Thursday and discharged from hospital. All week I have been resting in bed, went back on day 4 my levels were 647 then returned yesteray for further bloods and my hormone levels are sitting at 199. They said “great news”. Although I understand what they mean, nothing about this is “great”. I was only pregnant a short time but this baby was soo wanted and soo loved already :broken_heart: its just not fair. Does anyone know the likelihood of rupture at this point in my situation? In the back of ky head, Im still worried that it’ll happen.

I’m so sorry to hear what’s happened to you Lozza. I have had the same experience as you, had the methotrexate injection 3 weeks ago and was told last week the “great news” that mine had dropped to 3 and I was discharged. The whole time I waiting waiting for my hcg to drop I was so anxious about it rupturing every twinge I had I thought it was happening, so it’s really normal to feel that way!

I was only pregnant for a short period of time too, and had been trying for 2 years to get pregnant so when this happened I just couldn’t believe it I really really thought this was my time, but it turned out it wasn’t and only us that have been through this understand the heartbreak we feel.

Just know you aren’t alone xx

Thank you natasha. Im so sorry to hear about you’re situation :broken_heart: its just horrible. I totally get what you mean, Ive literally been afraid to move certain ways incase it ruptures. Im scared it will happen when my partner goes back to work. Fingers crossed it doesnt. Thats a whole week and today is the most comfortable Ive felt - Im hoping things are settling now but Ive read that some woman can experience pain 2-3 weeks later? The whole thing is a learning curve and I just feel really unsure about things. It all happened so fast.

I hope you continue to get through this day by day. Sorry to hear you were trying for 2 years - I can feel your heartache! Tke care of yourself x

Hi Lozza93,

I am so sorry to hear that you suffering from this ectopic pregnancy and loss. Ectopic pregnancies are physically and emotionally traumatic, and they can leave us with many questions.

I want you to know that there is nothing you did to cause the ectopic pregnancy nor sadly, nothing we can do to prevent them. The likelihood of future ectopic pregnancies is around 10% in the UK. That means there’s a 90% chance of correct placement. You will also be able to self-refer to the Early Pregnancy Unit in the future to have early scans, which can offer some reassurance.

You are right in the middle of this experience and I encourage you to be very generous and patient with yourself. Please allow time to rest, especially as you are on MTX, which will have its own side effects. You know your body the best, it’s important to be mindful of your symptoms until you reach non-pregnant levels, under 5mIU/mL, as there is unfortunately still a chance of rupture. The symptoms of a deteriorating ectopic pregnancy, which include worsening or progressively increasing pain; vaginal bleeding; shortness of breath; feeling faint; and pain in the tip of the shoulder among others, may become noticeable. If you suffer any of these symptoms you will need to be reassessed. Your hospital would give you a number to contact for health advice if you feel that anything is changing, or you will have been told to report to the Accident and Emergency Department (A&E). If you have not been told what to do and need to speak to someone ring the hospital department which is treating you or the NHS 111 Service by dialling 111.

Please continue to look after yourself and prioritise yourself. We are here for you for as long as you need us.

With good wishes,


The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust

The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust

Registered Charity Number: 1071811

The EPT is awarded the PIF TICK as a Trusted Information Creator, the UK-wide quality mark for healthcare information

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Detailed medical information can be found on our website. Please remember online medical information is NO SUBSTITUTE for expert medical advice from your own health care team

It’s like when you are trying to get pregnant, then you find out you are all you hope for is the hcg increases, if they say it’s the same or decreasing that’s clearly devastating but when you are constantly bleeding and in pain, having to visit the hospital weekly, knowing you could still rupture the hope is that your hcg gets to 0 quickly so youre healthy. It’s definitely weird hoping the pregnancy goes away once you know you’re are losing it as all you want is a healthy baby.