I just found out I was pregnant and went to the hospital to be checked out because I had some bleeding and cramping. What I thought was just a miscarriage turned out to be ectopic and I’m really scared of losing my tube. I had my left ovary and tube removed 4 years ago due to a ruptured ovarian cyst so I would be devastated if I needed to have the right one removed. I received the methotrexate inj and go in tomorrow for day 4 to have my hcg levels checked and I am really nervous. My hcg levels were about 2200 initially. Every day I am anxious and scared that my tube will rupture. If there’s anyone that has success stories with the methotrexate injection I would really like to hear them.
Hi Anwilliams18,
I’m so sorry to hear that you are experiencing an ectopic pregnancy. It can be a confusing time, and I will do my best to help.
Everyone is different in how they respond to methotrexate and how long it takes for the HCG levels to come down. You can read a bit more on the Trust’s website about the treatment with methotrexate: http://www.ectopic.org.uk/patients/treatment/. It is very good that you are being seen and monitored, and this is very important to ensure your levels are falling or any other treatment that is needed can take place.
The most important thing you can do is to look after yourself right now, and to continue to monitor your symptoms. I know its challenging to say try to rest and recover, but where you can do so it’s very important. While I do not want to alarm you, it can be possible to rupture with low/falling hormone levels (under 5mIU/mL is considered no longer pregnant) and it would be important to get the care that you need to be on the safe side.
Please know this is a safe space for your thoughts and concerns, and we are here for you for as long as you need.
With good wishes,
If we have been able to help you, are you able to help us with a small donation, by volunteering or fundraising?
Further information is available at http://www.ectopic.org.uk
Email us at ept@ectopic.org.uk.
Our helpline is 020 7733 2653 (available Monday to Friday 10am - 4pm).
Detailed medical information can be found on our website. Please remember online medical information is NO SUBSTITUTE for expert medical advice from your own health care team.
Sorry to hear your story.
I had surgery 4 weeks ago as had an ovarian ectopic but managed to keep my ovary and tube but unfortunately some tiny pregnancy tissue/cells remained and continued to develop as my HCG levels kept increasing so had to have the methotrexate injection last week.
It made me feel quite poorly, really nauseous, dizzy and so tired and generally unwell.
I have a good few hours then feel poorly again but they said this can be normal as the injection is very strong.
Sending you love and support and hoping we feel better soon xxx
p.s don’t be worried if your HCG increases on day 4, mine did and I was so upset but once again they said this can be normal and that the day 7 bloods should show them coming down. I really hope they do as can’t face another injection xxx
Hello, I understand how you feel , I fount out I was pregnant at the beginning of April ,started bleeding and cramping been hospital numerous of time for blood tests to keep eye on my hcg levels , they are very low , so thought I was miscarrying, went hospital today to find out I’ve got an ectopic, I’ve gotta go back on Monday to get the injection ,I’m so scared too