I had an ectopic pregnancy last my July and lost my left tube. Every since about August when my body had got back into its swing we’ve been ttc and as yet nothing has happened.
This month I had some spotting around what I believe was ovulation day but only when I wiped. Had normal af feeling cramps and some more spotting some red, only once when I wiped, and some brown roday, only when I wiped.
Af is due Thursday.
I’m so deflated cause I don’t think we’ve fallen this month it is so frustrating that it takes over your life even when you try to take a relaxed approach.
I eat well, exercise, have lost weight, get good sleep and tale vitamins. I’ve had bloods done to check various level ls including ny thyroid as my hair is thin and horrid since i had my EP surgery. All levels were good. The only unknown is whether my remaining tube is blocked but my GP can’t do anything until August when we’ve been trying for a year.
Is anyone else in a similar position. Got any advice?
Thanka in advance.
Just thought I’d reply as not too long ago I was feeling the same way. I had ectopic and lost left tube in August 2014. We started ttc again after 1 month. We got to one year of ttc and nothing was happening. At that point we was referred to a fertility clinic. Tests did show I had mild polycystic ovaries but overall they thought we still had a good chance of conceiving naturally. 6 months later and I had an appointment to collect clomid to try to boost ovulation. however the day before the appointment I found out I was pregnant!! Couldn’t believe it had finally happened naturally after 18 months. We had really given up hope and I just thought it was never going to happen for us. I’m now 9 weeks, so far everything looking good, I have had a couple of early scans. So I do know how hard it is when your ttc and you just want it to happen and it’s so upsetting and disappointing when it’s not. But it can happen, sometimes we just have to wait a bit longer than we would like. Sending you lots of luck and good wishes, hoping you will have that bfp very soon xxx
Thank you Jessie for your reply.
Ive had another look at my period tracking app and realised we hadnt dtd as much last month so when af shows her face and we get into the next month of ttc I will dtd d ery other day to give us the best shot.
Thank you for your positive story though and I hope the pregnancy can be enjoyable x