How was your next pregnancy after an ectopic pregnancy?

I had an ectopic pregnancy quite recently. In November 2022 I had a fresh embryo transfer, got pregnant, started having severe wind pain in my womb and left side at 5 and a half weeks, then a bit of blood came out, so went to A and E, told them I believe it was ectopic, was made to wait for 6 hours, it was a weekend so no real docs around, I was told it was likely fine without being scanned. I saw a doc few days later they said it was a miscarriage after not seeing a baby in the womb and hcg going down.

At 8 weeks my hcg doubled so they said it was ectopic. I had methotrexate injection, I bled for 12 weeks, severe contractions throughout, told only take paracetamol that didn’t help. My point is it was traumatising. Knowing my tube could rupture the consequences, how life threatening it is.

March 2023 my ectopic ended. I had another embryo transfer in April it failed. I had another last month, it was a frozen transfer, I’m 4 weeks pregnant. Its great to be pregnant again but my first pregnancy is very in the forefront, always thinking about it, thinking about those symptoms. This pregnancy so far has been different like I didn’t have implantation cramping. I’m just very aware that ectopic happening again is more likely in women who had it before and with IVF. Saying that I know frozen transfers without stimulation drugs is less likely. Have NHS appointment at 5 and a half weeks.

Anyone who got pregnant again after an ectopic how did they cope?

Dear chaoticblues,

Whispered congratulations on your pregnancy,

Concieving after losses, and especially during fertility treatment is going to bring all those memories up again. I wish I could take it all away for you. I tried keeping my mind occupied with watching box sets, reading and meeting up with friends. It is a really difficult time and you have friends here who understand.

I will be keeping everything crossed for your next scan.

We do have a 'Pregnant After Ectopic Pregnancy ’ board on our forums and it maybe helpful to read other people’s posts on coping during this worrying time too.

Sending much love and positive thoughts,

Karen x

The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust

Registered Charity Number: 1071811

The EPT is awarded the PIF TICK as a Trusted Information Creator, the UK-wide quality mark for healthcare information

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Detailed medical information can be found on our website. Please remember online medical information is NO SUBSTITUTE for expert medical advice from your own health care team

Turned out it became a chemical pregnancy.

Dear chaoticblues,

I am so sorry to hear of your loss,

Sending much love and warm hugs, we will be here for you for as long as you need,

Karen x

The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust

Registered Charity Number: 1071811

The EPT is awarded the PIF TICK as a Trusted Information Creator, the UK-wide quality mark for healthcare information

If the information provided here or through the EPT website has helped you, you can donate towards our support services, volunteer, or fundraise to raise awareness.

Further information is available on our website.

Email us:

We provide a call-back support line: 020 7733 2653. We are able to provide support in multiple languages including British Sign Language.

Take a look at our newsletters and subscribe to our mailing list.

Detailed medical information can be found on our website. Please remember online medical information is NO SUBSTITUTE for expert medical advice from your own health care team