Hi all.
Sorry in advance that this post is all about me me me.
On the 8th Nov I lost our much wanted baby at 6 weeks. It was ectopic. I had surgery and lost my right tube. We had been trying for 8 months. It was my first pregnancy.
At the time the signs were so subtle I thought the Dr was just being thorough but on the morning of the scan I started to think that maybe it was a MC. I genuinely didn’t think it could be ectopic, it didn’t sound anything like what I knew about that.
Fast forward nearly 5weeks to now. I’m not crying as often as I was but last couple of days I’m feeling so negative. Having been unlucky enough to have this once, all I can now see is that my chance of a 2nd is so much greater. I know that that 1:10 statistic includes people with underlying risk factors and so in reality my risk is probably lower but still. All I want is to join this exclusive mother club. I waited so long to find my person (was 35 when I met him) and I suffer from anxiety and depression at times. I thought I would be too old and then I found him and thought maybe I might just have a baby after all. This just feels so cruel. Like having a carrot dangled in front of us. And has pressed every one of my anxiety buttons. We just want one healthy baby.
I’ve been referred to see fertility consultant and sounds like he may do the dye test on my remaining tube. I don’t know that we would be able to afford private IVF. And I’m not certain I would qualify with my advancing age (now 38) and not trying for ‘long enough’. Especially if my remaining tube is ‘ok’. So all I can see is that my chances are slim.
I don’t know what I expect you to say to help me but thank you for taking the time to read this. X