How these forums can help you to heal

We are so sorry you have suffered an ectopic pregnancy and would like to do all we can to help.

At the EPT we have been through the same physical and emotional trauma as you so we understand and sympathise with how you may be feeling right now. It is also why we believe so strongly in the forums that we have and really think that they can help users to heal through ‘talk therapy’.

We find that many people feel so alone in their experiences and that, eventually, people around them are expecting them to move on and talk about what happened less when they still may need to continue to talk about things or gather more information.

The forums give you private space to read other people’s posts and know that you aren’t ‘weird’ because the same that has happened to you has also happened to other people and the feelings you are experiencing are totally normal. Knowing the feelings are normal and that you aren’t alone can relieve all kinds of additional pressure or guilt and can help to make things feel a little easier to cope with.

Also, posting and offering mutual support to others can really help both you and the person you are chatting with to to heal because when you share stories it helps you to get things off our own chest at the same time and provides a positive feeling from helping someone else to feel better. When two people talk who can say ‘yes I felt that too’ it can be a huge relief to both of them.

It’s an emotional rollercoaster of a journey and if we can all help each other along the way it makes the journey that little bit more tolerable and helps us to find peace with what has happened to us much more quickly.


It has been 5 years to my marriage, and finally in 2014 when we planned for our baby, we positively got blessed in just 3 Months, but the same resulted into an Ectopic Preg, after 2 months. :frowning:

and then my Doctor suggested me to have laproscopy , the same was done in mid of 2014.

After 3 months of my laperoscopy, i went for 2 IUIs but both failed, I m so depressed now… I can’t explain in words.


Hi DaniB! :slight_smile:


I’m new to this so please forgive me if I ask silly questions or go on a bit… :lol:

I need some positive thoughts back in my life. I’ve had 4 pregnancies in the last 16 months none of which have been successful, my last one was only 6 weeks ago which turned out to be Ectpoic. I went in for an early scan and myself and my husband were told the bad news. I was kept in hospital to go for surgery to remove the pregnancy and they also had to remove my right tube as well.

6 weeks on and I’m now feeling lower than ever… I’m hoping someone can relate to this and advise me on what to do. I’m so scared that I’m going to have another pregnancy fail again. We both really want a family to love and share our lives with.

Thanks xx

Hi I’m not sure if I am doing this right but I can’t work out were to post for it to go onto the forum.


I am new to this forums

I just got my tube and my baby (5 weeks old) :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: taken out 4 days ago

I feel absolutely down and every one around me do not understand what it has been like and I am not one to explain my pain so I joined to get some kind of closure or some advice.

Hi I am new to here very new, I had my right tube and 7 week 4 day pregnancy taken out on Wednesday by laporoscipy. Came home yesterday evening, slept well as had no sleep. Now today I am feeling a bit emotional as I have lost a baby which is heart breaking, but I look at my 13 month old twins and I am ok. Just being alone makes me think and I get all emotional. So tired and no energy right now. I am blessed to have 5 children and I had no idea how life threatening it was till reading about it. I almost lost my life with my twins, and if this never got noticed I could have lost my life this time. That is what hurts more to think I could have left my husband and 5 children behind. I have a guardian angel looking over me. I must have. I have a loss but is it normal to feel emotional when alone and not in front of others. I don’t wanna go down a route of depression etc x

Hi there,

My names libby and some of the nurses told me these forums help so I thought I would give it a go :slight_smile:

A week ago I had a scan which resulted in an unknown pregnancy, I was scared and felt alone. The nurse gave me an injection called methodroxate which was placed either side of my bum. For a couple of days I had to stay in hospital and I felt even more alone, sure my mum was there however I couldn’t help but feel everything was my fault. After 5 days the bleeding and pain stopped however my blood levels didn’t move (they should of dropped 15% but they only dropped 10) I’ve just had my second set of injections and was told I could have surgery … it might even mean that both tubes are removed if they are both not fully functional. I feel sad :frowning:

Hi all, its so heartbreaking to hear what you are all going through, experiencing or have experienced it all myself i know exactly how you feel. In 2010 i had my first eptopic which was a ruptured at 12weeks and had a salpingectomy as treatment lost my baby and my left tube. I was lost n upset but no one not even today ever saw this. It made it harder that i moved away from my partners family 6 hours away to my family for support where within a week for the next 6ish weeks i would find out my sister,bestfriend, 2close friends and 2 Cousins were expecting and that yes my baby would have been born first. I ended up in a depressed state even more so one they all started having their babies. I ran from my family and didnt speak to them for months as i felt they didnt even try to hide the happiness in front of me when my nephew was born. Going on 5 years later he is the love of my life and i his. Then going on 5months ago nw i found out i was pregnant again. Blood test after scan after blood test after scan i knew but prayed every second that everything would be ok and my baby would just pop out and be like im ok, you have nothing to worry about but it wasnt so. At 8weeks and 6days they fond i had another eptopic and were finding it hard to see baby because baby was so close to my ovary that they thought baby was my ovary. I got to spend 4 weeks with my baby before i had my second salpingectomy to remove baby and my right tube. Concieving naturally is now out of the question we have to go through fertility doctors. I am even more angry and upset then ever before. Ive pushed alot of my family away and am doing the same with my partner, i have lost my faith and now believe god does not exsist. I use to be this happy go lucky person who loved and loved to be around everyone and everything. I would help others all the time but now i just want everyone to leave me alone. I am lost and have no idea how im going to find myself or if i can

I feel like I’ve lost my faith too. I am in the exact same situation as you. I’m heartbroken and just cannot understand

Just wish when I post something to the forum I would get a response from someone quicker… I feel so alone and scared.

Am new in this forum. I really want to know if someone with ectopic pregnancy will be menstrating

What are the possible signs of ectopic pregnancy?


I lost my son when I was 22 and half weeks pregnant 6 years ago and have had fertility problems ever since just over a year ago I got referred to a gynecologist and he put me on hormone tablets to help me get pregnant and I did but a few days after I found out I was in extreme pain but it was mainly on my left hand side n due to fact I have already lost a baby I went up to the hospital to find out I was having ectopic pregnancy but it had ruptured so I had be rushed in for emergency surgery due to the fact it had ruptured they had remove my left fallopian tube this was 11 weeks ago n I have been completely n utterly heart broken but nearly two weeks ago I found out I was pregnant again which due to me ectopic they got me in for a scan 4 days after I found out but the night before my scan I started spotting which concerned me but as I had scan first thing next morning I didn’t go to hospital as it was only tiny amount of blood but a week ago today when I went to hospital they told me I was having a miscarriage I now am seriously low and don’t now how to cope at all because all i want is to be a mum and three times this has been taken away from me and fact in 11 weeks I’ve lost two baby’s along with having to have the surgery for the ectopic which if I hadn’t gone the hospital that day I would have been critical due to fact it had ruptured n was causing internal bleeding I really just don’t now what to do or how to cope can anybody help me please xx

I also just forgot to say it’s making it so much harder as my partners son n his part are having a baby n my sister is also having a baby and they both found out after I had my ectopic pregnancy I feel really bad because I should be happy for them but I am dieing inside as why is it that there going be mums but in 11 weeks I loose two chances of having a baby and now i am so scared to try again I just don’t understand any of it n feel like I’m just drowning in pain n hurt

I am very sorry for every one here who has lost their babies. I have had my right tube removed due to an ectopic pregnancy almost 3 months ago. Before that a missed miscarriage and a miscarriage. I still feel very distressed and am obsessed with ttc. However I am over 40 and have only one tube now so also feel desperate and delusional in trying again… Which if I did succeed I would be anxious of another ectopic or miss carrying another baby. I really hope that time makes it easier and all of you ttc I hope you get a healthy baby. I am not really functioning very well but I hope this improves as I do not want to live like this. I suppose I have posted to see if this is therapeutic for me and God willing all the women on the forum will feel better at some point.

Hi, so 4 weeks ago I found out I was pregnant. Obviously in the end I found out it was ectopic in my right fallopian tube. I am on the IUD coil, and have been on this for 2 years. The day I found our I was pregnant was a massive shock as I am only 19 and never planned for a pregnancy just yet. When I found out I was pregnant me and my partner were in massive shock and I was feeling very scared. I rang the docs to book an appointment to decide what we was going to do with the pregnancy, I informed them I was on the IUD coil. However the woman on the phone asked if I had had these certain symptoms which I was having. Pain on one side and period like pain with no bleeding, only bleeding after intercourse and my breasts were so sore. Which I thought at the time would of been normal pregnancy symptoms.

I was wrong ! The woman told me to go to A&E! And said it sounds like an ectopic pregnancy, with me and my partner being so young and not much knowledge and ectopic pregnancies, I was in complete panic. On the way to the hospital in floods of tears in ringing my mum for a start to explain I’m pregnant but also that they think it’s ectopic. As I arrived at the hospital they did my bloods which I’m terrified of needles so i was in panic every time I had to have my bloods done to test my HSG levels which were not going as high as they hoped. Anyway in and out of hospital as from that Monday for more bloods. We finally found out it was ectopic pregnancy through my internal scan on the Friday. Laid in floods of tears holding my boyfriends hand as they did the scan as I wasn’t ever used to this sort of stuff with me being so young.:frowning:

They told me I could have the injection so I was happy I didn’t have to have surgery, so I thought. However an hour later another doctor came and told me he picked up on my scan that I had fluid in my fallopian tube so i had to go through another internal scan and so the injection wouldn’t be successful and so I would have to have surgery and have my tube removed. At this point I am so terrified if I was going to be Ok, and if I could still have children as I would so love to have a family 1 day me and my boyfriend have always dreamed of the day it happens.

So after putting my canular in my hand I was look to my ward. The docs messed me around by telling me they was going to operate at these certain times and constantly changing their mind. By midnight they told me they wasn’t going to operate that Friday night and would do it sat morn. At this point I was also very annoyed and my mum and boyfriend were feeling very annoyed as it was then too late to eat anything and hadn’t eaten all day because they told me not too.

So after a restless night I wake up sat morn and for the first time I was bleeding very heavily and panicked. They then rushed me into theatre this was early in the morn so my boyfriend or mum wasn’t there to reassure me and they had to contact them to let them know I was going into theatre. Absolutely terrified seeing all the docs and nurses and being put to sleep,I just remember crying silently as they put the mask on me saying “I just want my mum”.

The surgery was successful and they did have to remove all of right tube. When I got discharged i thought it was over.

The 2 weeks off work would go by so fast. Only 4 weeks since and I still feel so emotional I do get upset and I’m always crying to my boyfriend. The annoying part of this is! They left my IUD in as it’s still in place, the surgeon advised me to go on the mirena coil the problem is I can’t go on any contraceptive with hormones. Reason I’m on the IUD coil.

It gets worse. I go the docs last week to sort my contraception I explained to the nurse that I’ve been through and what the surgeon said I could do. Either have mirena coil but due to hormones I can’t. Then double up and go on non hormonal pill. Long story short I walked out in floods of tears as the nurse was so judgmental I’m guessing of my age as if I asked to get pregnant. She didn’t listen to anything I said and I was getting very upset and angry. In her words that made me walk was " I don’t get why you’re getting angry because your chances of conceiving when you even want to plan for a baby have gone down to 50 percent anyway". So I walked off in floods of tears told my mum and she rang and complained.

I have another appointment on Monday at docs to talk about my contraception. The surgeon did say I could double up and go on the non hormonal pill as well as staying on the coil. Has anyone else been through anything similar? I’m so worried if the docs on Monday will not let me go on the pill as well! After my experience with my last appointment But I really can not go on anything else:(. It’s all very confusing for me and I feel so down.

Thanks Ellie x

Hi, so 4 weeks ago I found out I was pregnant. Obviously in the end I found out it was ectopic in my right fallopian tube. I am on the IUD coil, and have been on this for 2 years. The day I found out I was pregnant was a massive shock as I am only 19 and never planned for a pregnancy just yet. When I found out I was pregnant me and my partner were in massive shock and I was feeling very scared. I rang the docs to book an appointment to decide what we was going to do with the pregnancy, I informed them I was on the IUD coil. However the woman on the phone asked if I had had these certain symptoms which I was having. Pain on one side and period like pain with no bleeding, only bleeding after intercourse and my breasts were so sore. Which I thought at the time would of been normal pregnancy symptoms.

I was wrong ! The woman told me to go to A&E! And said it sounds like an ectopic pregnancy, with me and my partner being so young and not much knowledge on ectopic pregnancies, I was in complete panic. On the way to the hospital in floods of tears i am ringing my mum for a start to explain I’m pregnant but also that they think it’s ectopic. As I arrived at the hospital they did my bloods which I’m terrified of needles so i was in panic every time I had to have my bloods done to test my HSG levels which were not going as high as they hoped. Anyway in and out of hospital as from that Monday for more bloods. We finally found out it was ectopic pregnancy through my internal scan on the Friday. Laid in floods of tears holding my boyfriends hand as they did the scan as I wasn’t ever used to this sort of stuff with me being so young.:frowning:

They told me I could have the injection so I was happy I didn’t have to have surgery, so I thought. However an hour later another doctor came and told me he picked up on my scan that I had fluid in my fallopian tube so i had to go through another internal scan and so the injection wouldn’t be successful. And so I would have to have surgery and have my tube removed. At this point I am so terrified if I was going to be Ok, and if I could still have children as I would so love to have a family one day me and my boyfriend have always dreamed of the day it happens.

So after putting my canular in my hand I was look to my ward. The docs messed me around by telling me they was going to operate at these certain times and constantly changing their mind. By midnight they told me they wasn’t going to operate that Friday night and would do it sat morn. At this point I was also very annoyed and my mum and boyfriend were feeling very annoyed as it was then too late to eat anything and hadn’t eaten all day because they told me not too.

So after a restless night I wake up sat morn and for the first time I was bleeding very heavily and panicked. They then rushed me into theatre this was early in the morn so my boyfriend or mum wasn’t there to reassure me and they had to contact them to let them know I was going into theatre. Absolutely terrified seeing all the docs and nurses and being put to sleep,I just remember crying silently as they put the mask on me saying “I just want my mum”.

The surgery was successful and they did have to remove all of right tube. When I got discharged i thought it was over.

The 2 weeks off work would go by so fast. Only 4 weeks since and I still feel so emotional I do get upset and I’m always crying to my boyfriend. The annoying part of this is! They left my IUD in as it’s still in place, the surgeon advised me to go on the mirena coil the problem is I can’t go on any contraceptive with hormones. Reason I’m on the IUD coil.

It gets worse. I go the docs last week to sort my contraception I explained to the nurse what I’ve been through and what the surgeon said I could do. Either have mirena coil but due to hormones I can’t. Then double up and go on non hormonal pill. Long story short I walked out in floods of tears as the nurse was so judgmental I’m guessing of my age as if I asked to get pregnant. She didn’t listen to anything I said and I was getting very upset and angry. In her words that made me walk was " I don’t get why you’re getting angry because your chances of conceiving when you even want to plan for a baby have gone down to 50 percent anyway". So I walked off in floods of tears told my mum and she rang and complained.

I have another appointment on Monday at docs to talk about my contraception. The surgeon did say I could double up and go on the non hormonal pill as well as staying on the coil. Has anyone else been through anything similar? I’m so worried if the docs on Monday will not let me go on the pill as well! After my experience with my last appointment But I really can not go on anything else:(. It’s all very confusing for me and I feel so down.

Thanks Ellie x

am 7 weeks pregnant. This is my 4th pregnancy. 2 children delivered by c-section and one abortion.

I went to the doctors as I was bleeding who transferred me to my EPU at my local hospital. They found that the bleeding wasn’t their concern it was more the fact the Fetus is very low down in myuterus and possibly implanted into my c-Section scar. I was asked to return in a few days when a consultant was present. They scanned me again and found that at present the pregnancy is viable however next to my c-section scar. They have asked me to come back in a 2weeks as they want to see the baby grow up and away from my scarring. Understandably have been in much distress as I don’t know if this pregnancy is going to continue. I don’t know what to make of what they’re saying.

Can you offer anymore advice?

Thank you.