Hi Everyone
I’m new to here.
I had an ectopic pregnancy 4.5 weeks ago and had my right tube removed.
I am not coping too well and all i can think about is why did this have to happen to me?!
I am so desperate to get pregnant again just to take the pain away but have been told by the doctors to wait. I havent had a period yet but want to start trying again as soon as I have. Has anyone else tried after your first cycle. I think the thought of trying again will help the pain go away and also the worry that what if I cant get pregnant again!!
Any advice or just a friendly chat would really help.
Louise x
I have been feeling the same as you. By the way hugs to you for having to go through all of this. It is not easy and I wish I could just be happy in life. I had my ectopic September 6th. I did not have my tube removed luckily they found it in time but I’m already so emotionally drained. I was actually looking for the same type of answers to see if anyone tried before the 12 week point because wee very eager to try again. I hear some doctors tell the patients after one cycle they can this but mine has told me 3 months (12weeks from shot). I finally got my levels to 0 so I will be taking folic acid today. I’m so sorry this has happened to you and I hope you get your answers. I want to know why me also. It’s so upsetting. It was our first child I hope you can find a way to cope and get through this. Time is going so slow and all I want is a beautiful healthy baby. I hope none of us have to go through this again.
Thank you for replying to me!!
I’m sorry to read your story too! It’s not fair at all is it?
The hospital said 2 cycles to me but I think that’s just so you can heal emotionally as well as physically! I feel I’ve healed physically quite well so just want to know if you can try after your first cycle! It’s driving me crazy having to wait and I think if it’s OK to try after one cycle I really want to!
I’m really sorry this happened to you, it’s hard to find the courage to do it again but you just have to hope it works out better next time!
Let me know if you find anything out and I’ll do some research too sending hugs X X
I had to wait three cycles, but that may have been due to the methotrexate (had two rounds of that before rupturing and needing surgery anyway to remove my right tube). I’m not sure about if you can try earlier than two months. I’m overly cautious, so I’d be hesitant to try before the doctors said it is ok.
Sorry you’re another one of us that have had this happen. It sucks. The only advice I can give is to take this time to get back into your life - doing things you enjoy that you might not have done while you were TTC. For me, it meant training for a running race and drinking coffee and wine for the 12 weeks that I had to wait. It helped me to enjoy the time until we could try again.
I’m currently recovering from the op I had my right tube removed a week ago today, originally I got by 2 different doctors because of my age (21) ectopic was very unlikely but unfortunately turned out it was… when I asked the doctor after my op how long until we can try again they told me after one cycle. Sorry to hear your stories… I find it very confusing because everyone gets told different almost like they don’t actually know hope this is of some help and I hope all goes well x
The doctor did say to me that if I have the methotrexate then it’s longer until you can start trying as its in your system for a little longer!
It sounds awful but I have friends that Are trying and I’m finding myself staying away from them as I’m worried they’re going to announce they’re pregnant!! I know that sounds awful but I’m worried that my face will say it all! Just want to start trying again! Hope you all start feeling better soon!
X x
I feel exactly the same apart from my friends and even relatives are either pregnant or just had a baby and I find myself wanting to stay away because I want It to be so badly so your not the only one hopefully were all get there eventually x
I had methotrexate but I heard that it’s only in your system for 48 hours. That’s just from what I found on the internet though. Yeah and I have a friend that is 19 weeks pregnant and when I found out I told her because we were only going to be 3 months apart. And now I hate seeing her stuff on FB. I feel bad because I am happy for her but then I’m upset because I should be now. Ugh :(. I just want a baby. Waiting is so hard.
Hey Louise,
I am so sorry for your loss. I am almost four weeks out after having surgery to remove left “stump” of previously removed tube. I too am waiting on AF to arrive to start ttc again. I was told by hospital two cycles but after seeing my OB last week she said we can try after first period as I have healed nicely, and it is good to wait for fresh uterine lining. DH and I are eager to try again. This was my second EP but first they believe occurred because I was on birth control at time and this recent one occurred because a very small piece of tube wasn’t removed from first one . Bad luck I guess! On a happier note I do have a 13 month old at home so my other tube works just fine. GL to you and keep in touch as it looks like our timelines are similar. Maybe we will have some summer 2016 babies!!
So still no period. its 5 weeks today. Should I be getting concerned?
Sorry to hear that Maggie! I’m hoping we do get our summer babies. Definitely let me know how you get on.
My first period was 4 weeks after my beta HCG dropped to zero (which was three weeks after my surgery). I did have spotting that week, but my first actual period was 6.5 weeks or so after my surgery. So, it does vary, so it shouldn’t be reason to be concerned, I wouldn’t think.
How did you know your HCG had dropped? I had no follow up appointment or anything.
Thank you
I’m in Canada, so things might be different here. But at the EPCC (Early Pregnancy Complications Centre), they had me come back weekly for blood work two weeks after my surgery to test my beta HCG numbers until they were less than 3 (essentially showing a negative pregnancy test). After my miscarriage, they just sent me home with a pregnancy test with instructions to test after three weeks.
Hey Louise,
Just an update…I’m in US and as lilyked said they follow our beta levels down to zero as well. I reached zero exactly two weeks after surgery and this week I ovulated (4 weeks after surgery)! The body is pretty amazing how it bounces back. I would expect to see AF a little before six weeks post op and then we will start ttc again, so many emotions but happy to be back to normal.
Hi Maggie
Thank you for keeping me updated.
I’m glad you’ve had a period and started to feel back to normal a little.
I am 6 weeks post op today and still no period. I went to the doctors who said my levels had dropped so I just had to wait.
Felling extremly frustrated as want it to come so I can start trying again. I think the more I want a period though… the longer it will take.
Fingers crossed wont be long
Hi Louise,
Hope you are feeling better, sorry to hear of your ectopic
Just wanted to let you know that what you are experiencing is totally normal, I had my ectopic June 10th, had right tube removed on that day. I didn’t bleed at all after the surgery, I ovulated on 5th July but didn’t get my period until 29th July. The body just takes some time to go back to normal.
I did only come off birth control pills in April so my cycles may be a little off at the moment anyway but since then I have had a 38 day cycle and I am on day 26 of this cycle and O’d CD23 this month (3 days ago)
The doctor told me that it is normal for the period to return anywhere up to 10 weeks post surgery so try not to worry too much, just look after it as much as possible and it will bounce back to normal when it’s ready.
Lots of love,
Emma x