first month ttc, period type pain week before period due?

Hi everyone.

I had surgery to remove my ectopic and baby back in September. This is our first month trying again as it’s been 3 months and 2 cycles. I felt like I ovulated from my remaining tube as I get ovulating pain. I’m due on a week today but yesterday started with period type pain, on and off in both sides! I’m just scared it’s all happening again and wondered if anyone has had cramps before their period was due and it turn out ok?


i had my ectopic in july and have not conceived yet, but have only tried 3 times. i really worried myself into a frenzy a couple of months ago when we had ttc, as i had a lot of pain. but it was just adhesions moving around and mostly on my lower abdomen / intestine. i still get an uncomfortable feeling when i ovulate and just before my period. i never used to get period pain of any description before this operation, where i lost a tube.

hope it gets better for you and that you get the result you want. my experience with the pain at least is that each month it improves considerably.

Thank you for your reply. I have ovulation pain when I ovulate but that was over a week ago, the pain I’m having now is different. I’m due on in 6 days so I’d have thought it’d be a little early to be getting period cramps too. It’s like a period pain but comes and goes and has been doing so for the last few days. I’m probably worrying about nothing but after my ectopic I seem to notice every little twinge and since it’s the first month trying again I’m scared of missing something! X

Hi Rachelo87, I had ectopic in June and now always get af type cramps anywhere in a cycle. Probably just body getting back to normal. Doctor explained to me that it might take up to a year for a body to get back to normal. Sorry I’m not much help xxx