Aching during periods

Hi, I was wondering if anybody was getting the same as me.

I’m ttc after ectopic at the end of May 2018, my hcg levels were so high that I didn’t get my first period until first week of August. Not counting the first two periods as advised we have been ttc for 4 months. I’m trying to keep busy and manage my emotions for the week of the monthly visitor but it is hard. I get stronger symptoms during ovulation but I notice a dull aching/ tightening pain both sides just before and during menstruation. It is mainly in the side where tube was removed. Does anyone else experience this few months on from operation? I’m wondering if there is anything I can do to help the healing process. My periods have started to return to the cycle before but the aching feeling worries me xxxx

Yes!! I get cramps on and off from ovulation until af then bad period pain for the first day, never had this before my ectopic in June. Mine is both sides but more often where I had the tube removed. my cycles have been normal the last few months and pain lessening each time so fingers crossed it will stop eventually

Wishing you christmas babydust x

Yes I’m the same…During the fertile week and about one week before my period…pain, huge swollen stomach :frowning:

Pain on the left side where the tube was removed. I had my surgery on the 26th September 2018…

Does the body get back to normal ?

Since the surgery my body has not been the same. I have pain round my belly button still … is it still healing ?

Just hope we all can feel better soon x

Take good care.

Dear Hayley1 and ladies,

I am so sorry to hear of your ectopic pregnancies and losses,

Experiencing some pain after an ectopic pregnancy is normal as your body has been through a great deal. The pain may be due to adhesions (scar tissue that binds two parts of the body together) which form and take some time to settle. Your body may be preparing to ovulate and many women experience ovulation pain when they did not before their ectopic pregnancy - including myself. You also may have a heightened perception because of the sad loss that you have had to go through. If you find you experience offensive smelling discharge or an increased temperature of more than 37°C or just want to be checked out to be on the safe side, it would be worth asking your doctors to run tests to check for infection.

If the pain persists, I suggest keeping a pain diary noting when the pain appears, the intensity on a scale of 0-10 and anything that helps the pain eg resting, hot water bottle, paracetamol etc. Visiting your doctors with this information helps them to assess how best to manage your symptoms.

Sending much love,

Karen x

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Hi yes me too I have light cramping from ov all the way to af also, however one month I didn’t get it so I thought it was all back to normal, then back again the recent af. I was worried and doctor also said adhesions, because I went to see him thinking I might have a bladder infection or something. I hope it will settle soon, it’s reassuring to know that others are having same things, maybe it’s healing, my lower back aches too quite a lot. I did confuse these symptoms with pregnancy when it first started, because I had never had this before surgery either, best wishes to you both and babydust xxx

It’s so weird to write how glad I am that others are in the same discomfort and pain but I really am. I suffer pain during af and they last longer then they ever use to and I also suffer pain during ovulation. I too went to dr to get checked thinking it might be bladder related but she said it’s most probably my body settling after op. I find it hard that after so long of literally knowing my body inside and out, I know have to start from scratch, I even have to learn to trust it again. X

Yes I feel that way, to trust it again is so true. Before it was easy to know if there was something out of the norm I.e like an infection but now it’s knocked my confidence in knowing what is normal or not, so I guess asking the doctor is the only option until I understand again. The gap between ov and period is the bit that confuses me now as before any early period pains could be a sign of pg but it’s just normal now xxxx

Yea I’m struggling with that gap this month. I Normally feel my period coming (you know that dull cramp) plus after everything I also feel pain but at moment I’m getting nothing… period due on Monday and it’s just messing with my head, I think my body is playing tricks on me. Oh the joys. I’m glad I can come on here :slight_smile:

I am reassured to know that it’s not just me. I had my surgery in the beginning of November and I still get a kind of stingy pain on both sides where my tubes are, but mostly on the right side where my EP was. I can get those stings at any time of the month, but it’s more around ovulation and the days before my period and during the first two days of my period. I also tend to feel the pain more when I do medium to hard physical activity. Does anyone else experience that?