First ever ectopic

Hello, sadly I’m new to this group and I don’t really know what to type right now… my feelings are everywhere and I don’t really know how to cope. My HCG levels have dropped from 900 to 730 is 48hrs after a repeat blood test. I don’t know whether to have methotrexate or expectant management as there already falling, Im so lost right now.

Hi Roxy54,

My heart goes out to you. You have suffered physical and emotional trauma, and these are still early days. It’s important to be kind to yourself and focus on your healing. I’m glad you have found these boards, as each one of us, unfortunately, is connected by this experience.

Many women experience a mix of feeling,s and this can include grief, hurt at loss and anger. Trying not to blame yourself is important, as it is no fault of yours, and nothing, sadly, could have been done to stop the ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage from happening. Often the precise reason for an ectopic pregnancy may never be known. Sadly, there is nothing that can be done to guarantee that it will never happen again, and it isn’t because of something you did or didn’t do. Sometimes, these feelings are hard to communicate with others, so we at the Trust believe that talking through what happened and your emotions as and when you can help the healing process.

No matter what, we are here for you whenever you need. Please know you are not alone and take all the time you need to look after yourself and recover. We are here for you whenever you want to talk.

With good wishes,


The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust

Registered Charity Number: 1071811

Ectopic pregnancy patient information suite: Highly Commended in the 2019 BMA Patient Information Awards

If the information provided here or through the EPT website has helped you, you can donate towards our support services, volunteer, or fundraise to raise awareness.

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Detailed medical information can be found on our website. Please remember online medical information is NO SUBSTITUTE for expert medical advice from your own health care team

Hi Roxy54,

I’m so sorry you’re going through this and I can completely relate to how you feel. I’m in a very similar situation but perhaps a week ahead and opted for expectant management, which is also what the doctors recommended. I have no idea if I made the right decision, but for me I decided to give my body a chance to see what it did. Have they given you any advice?

If it helps in anyway, my hcg started at 880, and then within 48 hours it dropped to 650. I had another blood test today, just over a week later and am now at 231. I also felt lost (still do) and confused, but am hoping with time it will ease.

Please do let me know if there is anything more I can help with as we navigate these experiences.

I’m so sorry you are experiencing this, it truly is awful! I should be about 9-10 weeks pregnant and HCG has been rising then plateauing until recently when over 48hours it by 14.5 percent which is the biggest drop I’ve had so hoping my body is processing things naturally. I’ve had some advice but finding it difficult to all take in right now but hearing your story is giving me hope that my body can do this naturally. I’m so thankful for finding this support group, thank you for being so caring, I just have no one to talk to about it and it’s scary.

I’m with you about taking it all in! I honestly can’t even really remember what the doctor said to me when I found out. Hopefully they are still monitoring you and will advise the best route.

It’s such an isolating experience, and for me, everyone around me has had no issues getting pregnant or having babies which makes this harder. But this group is really good for support and to show you, you aren’t alone! I find reading the posts really helpful especially when it’s so raw. Hope you’re doing okay today.

It really is all too much at the time! The doctors have me in for more blood tests tomorrow, HCG currently around 700, can’t remember the exact number! Hoping it will go down again and then they will do weekly bloods rather than every 48 hours. Just praying I don’t have to have the MTX as me and my partner are so desperate to have a family! Im now just so scared something is wrong with my tubes but I am due a hycosy when all this is sorted so hopefully will get some more advice then! I feel so awful when I see anyone who is pregnant or anyone with children which is hard because I have a 4 year old nephew! I’m so thankful for finding this group. I’m feeling very sad and anxious still but luckily have an amazing partner. Hope you are doing ok x

Just checking in to see how your results went? Fingers crossed they are still declining. I’m with you on being desperate to start a family, but hopefully will happen for both of us soon.

My blood tests are at 11am today so should have the results by the afternoon! Keeping everything crossed that they are declining🤞 it’s an awful feeling, especially when it feels like everyone else around me has little ones!

Had my results back and they have dropped 10percent to high 600s but they are still dropping, just praying they continue too with more bloods tomorrow. Hope you are ok

That’s good news that they are still declining! Mine were similar where they initially dropped quite a bit and have now become slower. Fingers crossed for your results tomorrow. I’m now at weekly so don’t have my next one until Friday. Hope you’re feeling okay.

Yes it is but just praying it continues for the both of us, do you mind me asking what your levels are? Of course you don’t have to tell me! Thanks for keeping your fingers crossed I will be for you as well on Friday :crossed_fingers:

Course, so my levels went like this.

13/1 - 880
15/1 - 650
17/1 - 331 (then went weekly)
24/1 - 231 (I expected this to be lower after a week which was frustrating, but never mind). And then next one is this coming Friday.

I hate the waiting game, but trying to distract myself a lot! :crossed_fingers:t2::crossed_fingers:t2:for us both.

Thank you for sharing, im keeping everything crossed for the both of us🤞 it’s just reassuring to know we are not alone at this awful time!

Just an update, had blood results back last night and they had dropped from 685 to 518 so quite a drop, keeping my fingers crossed for yours tomorrow!

That’s definitely super positive (in such a rubbish time) and fingers crossed that continues. :crossed_fingers:t2::crossed_fingers:t2: Mine are on Friday and will keep you posted! I don’t know if it’s the same for you but waiting all day for the results is the worst feeling ever! I’ve been watching so many random series to pass the time!

Just an update from my side - had my results and my hcg has dropped to 20 which is good news!

I’m not sure if this was a coincidence or just timing but I saw another post on this forum about food & drink to help/avoid when going through this and I started doing it from my results last week which might have helped with the drop. In case helpful here’s what I did - drinking green tea every day, avoiding food with high folate in (think oranges, citrus fruits, a lot of vegetables have high folate & rice), and drinking lots of water!

Wow lovely that’s good news! I’ll defo have to try green tea! Sorry I haven’t been in touch, had an awful week, just one thing after another, heating went, oven blew, someone super glued my door lock so couldn’t get in! I’ve really had enough now! How are you keeping?

Definitely give it a try. Sorry to hear about your week, I swear bad things happen all at once, but hopefully that’ll change to good luck soon! I’m okay, up and down as I think everyone is in this process but hoping to start moving forward soon. Have you had anymore blood tests or changed to weekly now? Hope you’re feeling okay!

I will give it a go! It’s just been so awful, I just really feel so down and stressed! I hope that luck changes as it seems to just be one thing after another currently! It’s a hard mix of emotions in this process, do you have a good support network at home? My bloods have now changed to weekly so my next one is Tuesday! Praying for the best but everything seems to be going so wrong :frowning:

I bet! I always feel like life throws a lot at you in one go before it calms down. Fingers crossed for Tuesday - I hope you’re able to rest up this weekend? I do thankfully, I have a very supportive husband who is great and my mum and dad popped in last weekend which was nice. I hope you do as well? I have found myself isolating quite a bit from my friends at the moment, a lot are pregnant or have children which is tough - but trying to put myself first for now!