It literally does, I just want things to get better, so fed up with my bad luck and bad things happening! Just gone and bought myself some green tea! Thank you very much, I’ve had some heavy bleeding with no pain so hoping that’s a good sign! Did you have much bleeding? Aww that’s lovely, I have an amazing supportive fiance and a wonderful mum, unfortunately my dad passed in 2019 and he was my best friend! I have found myself doing the same with my friends as I don’t want to bump into anyone pregnant or with kids as bad as that is! It’s just so hard wanting that so bad!
Hope the green tea works! Yep I bled on and off for the last 3 weeks (stopped yesterday due to my hcg being so low now), had a few times of heavy bleeding as well. My nurse told me bleeding is a good sign as shows your body is doing its thing. Just as long as no pain and illness etc. Hopefully that’s the same for you and am sure the results on Tuesday will let you know as well. Glad you have a good support network too and sorry to hear about your dad . I know it’s tough when it’s all you want. I also seem to see pregnant women everywhere and in every film I watch too, it’s mad!
I’m not too keen on the taste but will force it down for the sake of it I’ve been bleeding on and off the since Dec 17th, been heavy last few days and now stopped fully today! I had no pain accompanying it though so hoping that’s good! I will keep you updated with my results Tuesday! It’s tough without him! Especially at times like this! Yes I feel like everything I watch is exactly the same so started watching murder programmes instead!
Haha yeah it’s gross! And that sounds good - hopefully the slow down means your levels are dropping. Yeah I can imagine but I’m sure good luck is on its way soon. Me too! I love all the crime shows, also distracts my mind for a bit too!
How many cups did you drink per day? I’ve found by adding a slice of lemon it changes the taste and I actually enjoy it hopefully so, I’m assuming to avoid intercourse until I’m at 0 as that’s what I’ve read but my nurse never told me? I blood hope it is! I’m sorry for 20 questions but I have no idea!
I was having 1 cup every morning, and then on occasion an afternoon cup as well, but that was random! I was also eating oranges and fruit quite a bit and stopped that for a week as well to see if it helped. I wasn’t given much info on intercourse either, but yep I assumed waiting until levels get back to super low first to be safe. All good on the questions - I had loads as well! How are you feeling today?
I’ve really been getting on with the green tea!
I had my blood test results today and they have dropped by 56percent so now at 228!! Seems to be going on the right direction! I’m very worried as not had no bleeding or anything the last couple of days so just hoping they continue to drop! Thanks for answering my questions I really appreciate it! I’m not too bad today but been busy so far but my moods very up and down! How are you feeling? X
Sorry for being slow, that’s great news and definitely in the right direction! I think it’s normal for bleeding to stop and start. I had very little when my numbers were decreasing and I just had my last blood test and am down to 4 now. Im the same as you, very up and down which I’m told is normal as this process is never linear. Hopefully more up days than down days soon
I’ve been keeping myself very busy last couple of days! Just wanting to pass time and everything to be okay again I’ve just started spotting again so Im hoping thats a good sign! I’m glad youre numbers keep decreasing, have they discharged you now or do they need to be 0? How are you feeling today? Praying more good days are too come for the both of us
Had blood results back today and now at 91.9! I know it keeps dropping but this feels like such a long process!
Sorry I’ve been slow at replying, went back to work and it’s been chaos!
That’s really good news, you’re nearly there now! Hopefully in a few days time you’ll be down to pre-pregnancy levels . Yeah I’m with you on the process, I got really frustrated in the last week or so but it will go down and then you’ll physically feel better in yourself. Have you had anymore pain or anything like that? Or feeling okay?
It’s okay lovely I’ve been keeping busy myself,
How is it being back at work? I just feel like it’s really dragging now and getting so frustrated, just want this over and done with :‘( I’m not bleeding at all currently so over thinking everything right now :’( I had a really bad bout of pain accompanied with some very heavy bleeding last weekend but that stopped Tuesday, got some mild pain but that’s about it, how are you doing? X
Had my results back today and they have dropped to 51.9, tad disappointed as thought they would of dropped a bit more by now but I should be glad it’s still a drop. I’m just finding this so hard and frustrating!
They will get there, this part I found the hardest, but each time they will drop and your body is probably getting ready to regulate again as I think it starts when you get below 100.
I’m okay thank you, just trying to look forward and having therapy which has really helped me. Work is okay but I find myself so uninterested as I think after going through something like this, you gain a different perspective! I’m currently on holiday for a few days getting some sun and a change of scenery which has been amazing! If you can do something like this, even a change of environment it might be good
Hope you’re okay! Xx
I really hope so, I just feel so down and really struggling with it all, I’m glad work is ok but I can imagine it’s very hard. I’m trying to look forward too and seeking all the support I can find, I just can’t help finding myself thinking about past and future a lot… I’m glad your enjoying yourself and a change of scenery is helping, would be amazing but it’s hard for me to get away as I have a huge Rottweiler and rabbit as well! Hope your doing okay as you can be! X
Aww love that you have a dog and rabbit! We have a dog too but I’m lucky as I can give her to my parents whilst we’re away.
I’m still struggling as well, my period returned yesterday which I know is good but it also feels like it’s sent me back to start of the emotional healing process as it’s just a reminder of everything that happened. Hope you’re feeling okay - have they managed to discharge you yet?
They get on really well which is amazing but our rottie is just such hard work bless him, nice that you can get away! I can imagine getting your period back is an mixture of emotions! Unfortunately for me my last levels come back yesterday at 29.4 so another week again going back!!! So frustrated! X
Nearly there! Hope they nearly at 0 now x
Fingers crossed I will let you know how I get on Tuesday, thank you for all your support through this:heart:
Hi Hun, hope you are well! 16.4 today so not dischargeable yet, hopefully next week will be my last!