Feeling in limbo just now

I have been posting on the other Walls as I felt I need the support from the girls

Over there.

My story so far in sept 2005 I had an ectopic pregnancy found at the back of my uterus I then went on to have 2 healthy normal pregnancies da born in 2007 and dd born in 2008. We truly believed our family was complete so I had the copper coil fitted. Howeve a year on and my husband and I decided to have

Another baby so in the 24 jan we had the coil removed I fell pregnant straight away and got

My bfp on the 11 February, we were so excited and felt so lucky to fall straight away. But the on Saturday the 26th feb I went into Epu as I felt very dizzy and faint, I think I just knew something was wrong. I got scanned and the dr measured me at 8 weeks but I knew this was not possible my dates were 5 weeks 4 days they then done my bloods which was 35000 and asked me to go bk for another scan.

I went back in on Tuesday the 1 march to be told I have an abnormal pregnancy and they highly suspect a molar pregnancy so that afternoon I had a d and c. I now have to wait 3-5 days for my test results to come back to find out what it was.

I am now left feeling empty confused but strangely relieved that it was not ectopic again.

I felt I needed to get my whole story of off my chest I feel a little better! But on the plus side I am looking forward to ttc again just not sure how long I have to wait for.

hi there

I am so, so sorry you have had this happen - after other pregnancy loss it’s a lot to deal with. :frowning:

When you can try again will depend upon what they find after they’ve done all the tests but you can find some good information on [Molar Pregnancy here.

Hopefully it won’t be a molar pregnancy at all and there’s a strong chance it won’t be so please don’t get too hung up on the what-ifs, but I know it’s hard not to imagine the worst when you have had such a load of bad luck.

Take things gently for now and when you get your results if you’ve anything medical you want help with of course we’ll do that but otherwise we’ll be here for you whenever you need us](http://www.molarpregnancy.co.uk)

Oh Louise,

It’s such a worrying time…I remember it well :frowning:

After my PMP I had to wait 6 months before ttc, regular urine/blood tests during the follow up period. Mine was fairly straightforward…if there is such a thing :roll:

Thinking of you and here if you want to ask anything




I have been told today it was not a molar pregnancy!! I am so relieved but still confused

To why it looked like I had a ball in my uterus!! Now just wiring for 2 cycles to try again!! Thank you all so much for your continued support I don’t know what I would have done without you all!! I had been have an extremely bad day up until the hospital called!!

That’s good news that the pregnancy wasn’t molar.

What diagnosis did they give you sweetheart? Were they able to confirm that the pregnancy was in your uterus?

The other thing that can happen is a condition called blighted ovum. Other names are anembryonic pregnancy or silent miscarriage. After conception, the fertilised egg (ovum) implants in your uterus (womb), but for some reason a baby does not develop. It can happen to anyone. It usually happens accidentally, and most women go on to have a successful pregnancy next time. We don’t fully understand why a blighted ovum happens, but it’s thought to be an accident of nature. When an egg is fertilised by a sperm, the cells begin dividing. Some cells develop into the embryo, and others develop into the placenta and membranes. Sometimes, the cells that would have become the embryo fail (probably because a mistake happened during fertilisation, and there are too many or too few chromosomes), but the cells that become the placenta and membranes keep developing, so the pregnancy sac continues to grow inside the uterus and the placenta starts to form but the membranes are empty or contain cells but no baby.

These are the more likely causes of what you describe as a ‘ball’ in your uterus

As you say it’s a massive relief when we learn that this wasn’t an ectopic pregnancy but you should still be a little cautious. If they haven’t been able to confirm that there was conceptual products in the sample they removed from your uterus then there is an outside chance that what they saw was a pseudo sac. Some ectopic pregnancies, (around 30% of them actually) people get something called a pseudo sac, which is a collection of fluid in the folds of the uterine lining (endometrium) which can mimic a pregnancy sac to the untrained and sometimes even the expert eye? It’s worth just checking your beta hCG either with a blood test to make sure the levels are still dropping, or doing a good quality HPT in a week or so.

Just keep doing what you are doing - talking grieving and dealing with this, it will come right in the end and you’ll be able to move on once things are more settled

Thinking of you

So so relieved for you honey, and also so sorry for you loss
