Experiences early after conceiving, twinges and leg pain?


Going slightly mad and just wondering if anyone has experienced similar… I had an ectopic treated with methotrexate back in December 2019, and we are trying again now. It’s only been a week since I ovulated but i’ve been getting twinges this past week on my left side which was where my ectopic was, along with a few leg twinges that side too. The twinges have been quite uncomfortable at some points but seem to come and go. I would get twinges on occasion during ovulation or my period since my ectopic but this past week has felt a lot more. My bladder also felt slightly pressured on a few days, this now feels okay though. It’s so soon after ovulation i’m worried some of it’s in my head but I can’t help analyse every ache and pain, wondering if I am pregnant again and if so if it’s made it into my uterus. I guess I just wondered if others have had leg twinges, etc so early on?

Thanks :slight_smile:

Dear 19457,

I am so sorry to hear of your ectopic pregnancy and loss,

I also used to feel random pains and twinges and yes I felt them when I fell pregnant again.

I would advise taking a pregnancy test on the day of your expected period. If it is positive and the pains continue, please seek urgent medical advice.

If you have a normal, expected period but you find the pains worsen, or if you have a bleed that is not normal for you, please also seek urgent medical advice. If however the pains are normal for you but persisting, not related to ovulation and you would like more answers, I suggest keeping a pain diary noting when the pain appears, the intensity on a scale of 0-10 and anything that helps the pain eg resting, hot water bottle, paracetamol etc. Visiting your doctors with this information helps them to assess how best to manage your symptoms.

Sending much love,

Karen x

The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust

Registered Charity Number: 1071811

Ectopic pregnancy patient information suite: Highly Commended in the 2019 BMA Patient Information Awards

During the coronavirus outbreak, The EPT team is still working hard to provide crucial information and support to women and families experiencing ectopic pregnancy as quickly and efficiently as we can.

If we have been able to help you, are you able to help us with a small donation or by volunteering or fundraising?

Further information is available at ectopic.org.uk

Email us: ept@ectopic.org.uk

We provide a call-back helpline service: 020 7733 2653

Take a look at our newsletters and subscribe to our mailing list here: https://mailchi.mp/986bdd6091ee/ectopic-matters

Detailed medical information can be found on our website. Please remember online medical information is NO SUBSTITUTE for expert medical advice from your own health care team

I also got pregnant last July 2019 but had ectopic pregnancy…I had one very bad episode of cramps at that time…my tube ruptured in Sept & was removed…My periods resumed in October itself…I again tried in May (ovulation period around 29th) and my periods are due on 13 th June…But I am also getting mild cramps and twinges, mild pain in lower back…I am also going crazy…God knows what will happen this time if I am pregnant

Hi manishaverma_17,

My twinges have eased the past few days but I’m still getting a bit of a dull ache on my previously ectopic side. I am due my period next week, let me know how you get on and I will let you know too! Fingers crossed x

There were no cramps yesterday…But since morning I am kinda bloated & have mild cramps.

My periods are due tomorrow

I will do pregnancy test on 14th

Let’s see


I got my periods today

Kinda relieved

Hope God has better plans for us.

Wish u all the best dear

Hope you’re okay, wishing you all the best too! X


I’m so glad everything is okay and sending lots of hope for the future.

I had an ectopic surgically removed with my left fallopian tube in sept.

I’ve been getting the same pains one week after ovulation and ttc. Supposed to have my period next week. I’ve been frantically taking pregnancy tests because I’m so scared of another ectopic. So far they have been negative but it is very early. It’s good to hear that other people have been experiencing this pain. Did you also have any nausea and headaches before your periods?

Is it bad that I’m hoping it’s just my period? The pain just feels way too familiar and I can’t cope :frowning:

Thankyou, Daisy x

Dear Daisy,

As you can see it is common to experience pain following ectopic pregnancy, I also experienced ovulation pain which I never had before my treatment.

It can take some months to settle, I was still experiencing it up to a year later right up until I conceived again.

As you have mentioned, it would be very early to pick up a pregnancy just yet, I would advise testing weekly with an early morning urine as daily won’t tell you much at this stage and will most likely are to any anxieties. If your pain worsens however or you are concerned, please seek medical advice.

Sending much love,

Karen x

The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust

Registered Charity Number: 1071811

Ectopic pregnancy patient information suite: Highly Commended in the 2019 BMA Patient Information Awards

If we have been able to help you, are you able to help us with a small donation or by volunteering or fundraising?

Further information is available at ectopic.org.uk

Email us: ept@ectopic.org.uk

We provide a call-back helpline service: 020 7733 2653

Take a look at our newsletters and subscribe to our mailing list here: https://mailchi.mp/986bdd6091ee/ectopic-matters

Detailed medical information can be found on our website. Please remember online medical information is NO SUBSTITUTE for expert medical advice from your own health care team

Experiencing twinges and leg pain shortly after conceiving can be a common occurrence for some women. These sensations can be attributed to various factors related to early pregnancy and are typically not a cause for concern. Here are some possible explanations for these sensations:

Implantation Cramping: One of the earliest signs of pregnancy can be implantation cramping. This occurs when the fertilized egg attaches itself to the uterine lining. Some women describe these cramps as mild twinges or a pulling sensation in the lower abdomen. This can occur around 6-12 days after conception.

Hormonal Changes: Pregnancy triggers a surge in hormones, including progesterone. These hormonal changes can lead to muscle and ligament relaxation, which might result in mild abdominal discomfort or twinges.

Increased Blood Flow: Pregnancy leads to an increase in blood circulation throughout the body, including the pelvic area. This increased blood flow can sometimes cause a sensation of warmth or tingling in the legs.

Pressure on Nerves: As the uterus starts to grow and expand, it can put pressure on nearby nerves, which may lead to leg pain or discomfort. This is more common in the later stages of pregnancy but can sometimes be felt early on.

Dehydration: Dehydration can cause muscle cramps, including in the legs. It’s important to stay well-hydrated during pregnancy to avoid this.

Other Causes: Leg pain or discomfort can also be caused by unrelated factors such as muscle strain, poor circulation, or pre-existing conditions. If the leg pain is severe, persistent, or accompanied by other concerning symptoms, it’s essential to consult a healthcare provider for a proper evaluation.

Early experiences following conception can vary, but some women describe lower abdominal twinges or moderate cramping. Additionally, increased blood flow and strain on the nerves can cause leg pain. Although these symptoms are frequently typical, it is crucial to see a doctor if they are severe or are followed by significant bleeding in order to rule out any concerns.


After receiving some amazing support and care from this fantastic charity back in January 2021 when I lost my right fallopian tube due to an ectopic pregnancy, my husband and I have finally decided to try to conceive.

I’m 9/10 days post ovulation and have had pretty bad cramps, shooting pains, headaches, constipation and generally not feeling myself. Yesterday, the pains worsened and I had diarrhoea (sorry for the details) very similar to what I experienced when I had an ectopic pregnancy. So, I decided to call my GP who sent me straight to A&E due to my history. After waiting a few hours, a doctor explained that they’d like to scan me just to rule anything out and are waiting on my bloods. 3 hours later, a doctor explained that my HCG levels and urine pregnancy test are negative so they don’t feel the need to scan me. I explained the pain and how I know my body but they didn’t understand. I also explained this is what happened last time and I was sent home twice as they wouldn’t internally scan me, then, it was too late and I was rushed for emergency surgery and lost my right Fallopian tube.

In a way I understand why they have to wait until I show pregnant on a test but it’s so difficult to not feel absolutely terrified that it’s happening again.

I was pleased to see that some of you other lovely ladies have experienced twinges/pain post ovulation after trying to conceive and I am PRAYING that these niggles could mean that TTC has worked and I may be pregnant.

Basically, I’m just wondering if anyone else has experienced anything similar and can offer a little reassurance up until I test on the weekend and wait and see if my period comes. I honestly feel like I’m going crazy and that the doctors also think I am crazy!

Thank you so much.



After receiving some amazing support from this fantastic charity back in January 2021 and running the GNR to say thank you, after suffering an ectopic pregnancy and losing my right Fallopian tube, my husband and I have finally decided to TTC.

I’m 9/10 days post ovulation and I’m experiencing some cramps, sharp shooting pains, headaches, constipation. Yesterday, the pains worsened and I had diarrhoea (sorry for the details) similar to what happened when I experienced an ectopic. So, I decided to contact my GP and he sent me to A&E. It was explained that because my HCG levels and urine test are showing I’m not pregnant, they can’t do anything. Frustrated because of the pain I was in and my history I tried to explain that this is what happened before, when the hospital wouldn’t internally scan me at first and they missed the ectopic which resulted in me having to have emergency surgery and I lost my Fallopian tube. Unfortunately, they didn’t get it and sent me home with some constipation tablets. I totally get why they may have to wait until I show a positive pregnancy test but I hoped they’d understand my fears and wanting to rule things out early.

Anyway, I’ve still experienced the cramping today and sharp shooting pains. So I’m just wondering if anyone else has experienced this as I honestly feel like I’m going mad and that it’s all psychological!

I’m due on my period Sunday/Monday and I’m praying it doesn’t come but I will test then.

Thank you so much for your support.

Speak soon,



After receiving some amazing support from this fantastic charity back in January 2021 and running the GNR to say thank you, after suffering an ectopic pregnancy and losing my right Fallopian tube, my husband and I have finally decided to TTC.

I’m 9/10 days post ovulation and I’m experiencing some cramps, sharp shooting pains, headaches, constipation. Yesterday, the pains worsened and I had diarrhoea (sorry for the details) similar to what happened when I experienced an ectopic. So, I decided to contact my GP and he sent me to A&E. It was explained that because my HCG levels and urine test are showing I’m not pregnant, they can’t do anything. Frustrated because of the pain I was in and my history I tried to explain that this is what happened before, when the hospital wouldn’t internally scan me at first and they missed the ectopic which resulted in me having to have emergency surgery and I lost my Fallopian tube. Unfortunately, they didn’t get it and sent me home with some constipation tablets. I totally get why they may have to wait until I show a positive pregnancy test but I hoped they’d understand my fears and wanting to rule things out early.

Anyway, I’ve still experienced the cramping today and sharp shooting pains. So I’m just wondering if anyone else has experienced this as I honestly feel like I’m going mad and that it’s all psychological!

I’m due on my period Sunday/Monday and I’m praying it doesn’t come but I will test then.

Thank you so much for your support.

Speak soon,
