Ectopic surgery

Hi so I have just experienced my second ectopic pregnancy.

My first resolved on it’s own which was a relief however left scarring on my right fallopian tube. My second ectopic pregnancy was more traumatic as my levels increased and I had to have my right fallopian tube removed.

This has given me some relief as they think the left one looks ok so hopefully moving forward I could still get pregnant.

I’m only one day post op and feeling quite sore and emotional but also relieved that my right tube has gone as it was not doing me any favours. I’d love to hear of some positive stories of women having a successful pregnancy after the removal of their tube. Thankyou :slight_smile:

Dear Hayley,

I am so sorry to hear of your ectopic pregnancies and losses. To experience one loss is difficult, to deal with multiple losses is heartbreaking and my heart truly goes out to you.

These boards are filled with success stories post surgery from ectopic pregnancy. You will find some of these in our conceived following ectopic pregnancy board too.

It is normal to feel discomfort following surgery. We advise that you should take it very easy for about six weeks after surgery. Your body will be using its energies to heal internally. It is normal to feel physically and emotionally exhausted during this time so please do be kind to yourself. Recovery can take time and some days will be better than others. One day you may be okay and the next you may be in discomfort or more emotional. This is perfectly usual and the healing process will go back and forth in this way for however long you need. It is important to listen to your body signals. Pain and feeling tired are your body signals to tell you to rest. We suggest keeping a healthy diet drinking lots of water and resting.

While generally it is possible to conceive after an ectopic pregnancy, the amount of time it takes varies from couple to couple. Factors include age, general health, reproductive health and how often you have sex, among other things. It may be comforting to know that 65% of women are successfully pregnant within 18 months of experiencing an ectopic pregnancy and some studies suggest this rises to around 85% after two years.

Importantly, help is available if conceiving naturally has not yet been successful after some time trying - and the EPT advises that women under 35 should seek medical advice following 12 months trying to conceive and those over 35 should seek advice after 6 months.

Above all be kind to yourself and allow time to grieve,to heal both physically and emotionally.

We will be here for you for as long as you need,

Sending much love,

Karen x

The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust

Registered Charity Number: 1071811

Ectopic pregnancy patient information suite: Highly Commended in the 2019 BMA Patient Information Awards

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