I have just had an embryo transfer, and very soon after I started getting pain (pressure, bloating, cramps) on my left side where I have my remaining tube and where I had a previous ectopic. Is it possible that an embryo that had just been transferred (5 day blastocyst) could cause pain within days if ectopic? I still have the pain now which is equivalent to 3 weeks pregnancy if of course the transfer worked. My clinic says it could be my ovary/follicles settling after all the stimulation and/or side effects of the progesterone supplements. Anyone else experienced this and had a successful IUP?
Dear Helen,
I am sorry as I do not have experience of this fertility treatment. I am glad to hear that you have spoken to your medical team and i would take their expert advice.
Ectopic pregnancy symptoms usually start around 4 weeks, but it could be earlier for some. I would therefore always advise to seek urgent medical advice with any concerning or worsening symptoms.
I am sending positive thoughts for success.
Sending much love,
Karen x
Hi, as an update to this. I had a positive pregnancy test at 10 days post transfer, so did a HCG blood test which came back as 10.5, I was very worried it was another ectopic but the pregnancy symptoms I was having (boob pain, increased urination) were decreasing which was reassuring as those continued when I had the last ectopics. The HCG level after another 48 hours was 1 so therefore it was put down to a chemical pregnancy. The left sided pain started to reduce with the pregnancy symptoms too so I think that must have been from the IVF stimulations but I also wonder if that was residual pain due to my previous ectopic on that side that was treated with methotrexate and was only 4 months prior. Who knows, but in answer to my own question, I don’t think it was ectopic pain as early as 3 weeks. Hope this helps others in this situation!
Dear Helen,
I am very sorry to hear of your loss. Sending warm and gentle hugs.
Thank you for taking the time to update your post, to give others in similar situations some reassurance. We would always advise to seek medical advice with any symptoms, just as you did.
We will be here for you for as long as you need,
Karen x