This past April (2015) I had a ruptured ectopic pregnancy…losing my left tube It was pretty devastating!
Long story short, my husband was diagnosed with a very rare blood cancer about 3 1/2 years ago. He underwent the strongest chemo, a bone marrow transplant, and on several drugs. We were both just 28 at the time.
Flash forward to today, he has a few issues here and there dealing with his Graft vs Host disease, but is CANCER FREE!!! Anyway, you can imagine we were SHOCKED when we discovered I was pregnant…for 3 years we had been doing nothing to prevent it, but also my husband was too weak and sick most of the time. We were told getting pregnant naturally wouldn’t happen for us and he was sterile (so have hope because miracles CAN & DO happen)! Thankfully, we banked his sperm before his treatments and we thought we would try insemination first this summer and IVF as a last resort.
It has been about 9 weeks since our loss and our doctor told us some encouraging news: we could start trying again after one full cycle, my husband’s swimmers are perfectly healthy, and she doesn’t believe I have any issue getting pregnant. After a saline sonogram (which was very painful btw), she did see a large fibroid on top of my uterus and two small ones that she said may require surgery but that the surgery could cause major scarring and affect my fertility. So I opted to push off the fibroid surgery and keep trying.
Well, surprise, I got pregnant after the first full cycle. I am so excited, but really scared! I understand the risk of having another ectopic…I need to hear from women who went on to have a baby after an ectopic. I just really need some encouragement because I’m driving myself crazy with worry. Also anyone have surgery to remove fibroids? What was your experience?
Hi curlymaa. I am 30 weeks pregnant now after having my right tube removed last year after an ectopic. You will read lots of stories on here of women who’ve had a successful pregnancy after ectopic! Make sure you see your doc early, and they should follow you closely until they can confirm it is in the right place at about 6 weeks.
Good luck! I really hope it is all good news for you from here on out!
Thank you Lilykedd. This forum is better than anything out there. I find myself coming here anytime my mind is racing and I need some feel good stories and strength from women who understand this experience. Thanks again
It is really nice to be able to talk to other women who have experienced ectopic. I don’t know anyone in real life, so I’ve found it a great comfort to chat here!
Sorry totally didn’t mean to send that last message as phone wasn’t working and would t let me send a mesaage, so put in random text and it worked!!
Just wanted to say I’m sorry for all the awful things that you and your husband have gone through after the last few years, but fantastic news that he is now cancer free and you have got a BFP!!
June last year I had a right tube removal and I’m currently 5 days overdue waiting very impatiently to meet our new arrival!! I got pregnant literally straight away after the ectopic and this has had an effect on my pregnancy making worry about every little thing that could go wrong. Just try not to let past experiences ruin your pregnancy (I know that’s easy to say)
Congratulations and I have everything crossed for you that you have a happy and healthy 9 months of pregnancy. Enjoy it as it’s a miracle xxx
That is so encouraging to hear, cobblers1! I really do feel good about this time…though every little twinge has me worrying. I realize the worry will never truly go away
My husband and I have gone through so much. And I believe everything we went through certainly prepared us for our loss. I will stay positive and celebrate our health and that we did get pregnant right away. Thanks for the encouragement! And congratulations to you and your family…Hopefully, you wont have to wait much longer to hold your miracle
Hiya hon, I am 18.5 weeks pregnant after an ectopic and right tube removal in September. I found it hard to conceive as I always ovulated from the tubeless side, but took agnus castus herbal supplement which made me ovulate more strongly and pulled my left tube over-vvv painful but thought when it happened I would conceive. Good luck xxx
Hi I am wondering if anyone out there knows if it is possible to get pregnant without any tubes at all? I had an ectopic pregnancy in 2011 and lost my left tube then in 2014 got pregnant again and at 9 weeks had to have surgery yet again as it was another ectopic so I lost my right tube, I know it’s a long shot and I’m clutching at straws but I can’t give up hope and wondering if anyone has heard of someone getting pregnant without any tubes. One of the reasons I also ask is that I am 9 days late for my period and I’m on a very regular 28 day cycle and have never missed a period in my life or even been late except for when I was pregnant I’m just one very confused, upset and desperate woman at the minute any advice please? X
Correction to my first post My ectopic was April of this year not 2015. So very recent.
Linzipax, that’s a good question. I don’t have the answer to that question. I believe my doctor told me that I would have to move to IVF if I were to lose both tubes. Anyone get different information?
Correction to my first post My ectopic was April of this year not 2015. So very recent.
Linzipax, that’s a good question. I don’t have the answer to that question. I believe my doctor told me that I would have to move to IVF if I were to lose both tubes. Anyone get different information?
Thank you, yeah it’s one of those things iv heard that it is not impose am as the nurse at the hospital told me that someone got pregnant in the stump of the removed tube but I really do think I’m clutching at straws here x
I just wanted to updated that I just had my 5 week scan today and I am thrilled. It is in the uterus…even saw the heartbeat flicker! I know I am not out of the woods yet, but I am holding on to this!!!
Curlymaa, that is ace news! Congratulations xxx
I lost my first and only child last year to an ectopic pregnancy. It was devistating. Of course fast forward to today… I think I am pregnant, I have every symptom but I am absolutely terrified that I will lose my left tube as well. When does this fear go away… if ever! I lost my right tube last year and every time I have a little bit of pain in my left side I am terrified. I am still testing negative but I am hoping that this will come back positive and in 9 months I will have a little blessing. I am 40 this year so I am just absolutely terrified and excited all at once. Some prayers and advice from you all would be wonderful!
Hi everyone,
I had an eptopic in February this year and had my left tube removed. I thought it would take a while to get pregnant again but I’m now 5 weeks 3 days and feel great. I had bleeding and pain with my eptopic but this time it feels different and normal. No pain or bleeding apart from the twinges here and there. My doctor has got me in for a scan this Sunday which makes me 6weeks 2 days which I’m nervous about but hopefully everything will be ok. Don’t take any chances get a scan as soon as you can.
Wonderful news, Salrose! I know its easy to say don’t worry yourself, but try and keep your mind as busy as you can. I also feel this pregnancy is already different as well for me. Keep thinking positive and seeing your doctor regularly. Congrats again!!!
Hi Curlymaa
You can read my posts from when I 1st went on here, but in brief I suffered a ruptured ectopic last February lost my left tube emergency surgery blood transfusion nearly lost my life it was horrific! But 6 months later I got pregnant with only one tube! & one ovary (lost other ovary from cyst 14yrs ago) as I am writing this whilst my beautiful baby boy Jacob is lying on me now 4 months old so please do not give up it does happen! sending you lots of love it will get easier xxx
Update just seen your old post to say in the right place great news for anyone else reading this thread don’t give up it can happen xx
I first got pregnant three years ago and ended up having my left Fallopian tube removed. About a year later I got pregnant again but unfortunately miscarried although now I see that it was a blessing as my previous partner was abusive and not very supportive. I’m now with the man I’ve had feelings for since I was 15/16 and I’m terrified I can’t give him the family he deserves. I desperately want my own babies and want to give him his own little family…what if I can never give him that? I’m so scared I’m going to end up alone without the family I’ve always dreamt of. Has anyone else had these horrible feelings and beaten them and got the family they deserve? Terrified I’m going to end up on my own with nothing but my family’s and friends kids around me.
Please someone give me some happy news all I can think is the worse. Always wanted to be a mummy I’m terrified I will just end up having to make do with nieces and nephews and friends children. Please give me your good news my email address is I wish you all the happiness in the world!! Everybody deserves a family of their own!! Much love xxxxxxxx