Anyone having ivf June/July?

Hello Ladies, Well I hoped I wouldn’t end up on this forum but find myself kind of excited to be here and finally able to do something proactive by starting my ivf. I had my initial consultation on Monday and with a bit of luck will start on the short protocol at the start of my next cycle - I’m on CD1 today and average cycle of 28 days so should be starting end of the month :slight_smile: It does depend on AMH level which I won’t have for another 3 weeks but they thought it would probably be ok from the results of my scan and hopefully I’ll get result in time to start long protocol this cycle if result is not high enough.

A tiny bit about me - I have a DD who is 4, had EP in Dec 10 with right tube removed and ttc again since with no luck. All tests have come back OK so other than being down a tube then no reason for infertility.

Anyone else having ivf shortly?


SHONA!!! I’ve just seen this now!!! I know you didn’t really want to end up on this forum, but I am SO pleased you are starting treatment and I will be following how you are getting on and being your cheerleader in chief! As you know, IVF was for me the most positive thing I have ever done - maybe we might have fallen pregnant naturally if we had given it another 2-10 years but I don’t think my sanity would have taken any more beating and treatment, though difficult at times and a complete emotional wringer, really was the right thing for us at that time.

I just wanted to say well done for taking this step, and to wish you all the luck in the world. I did long protocol first and short protocol second time around, shout if you have any questions and I will try and remember! Hopefully there will be some others cycling at the same time as you on here, my cycle buddies on here have become close friends now and we all really helped each other through it. Giant hugs to you and I look forward to hearing your updates when you start! It is a stressful time but I am also so excited for you! Xxx

Thanks so much Leah :slight_smile: I’m am already worrying like crazy. Waiting for AMH and smear result so worrying that the smear result will not come back on time or that amh result will not be good. And worrying that all this worrying will make me have a freak cycle! I know it will just mean waiting a bit longer but I am so so fed up of waiting now! Having a weekend away with DH this weekend so hopefully have a chance to chill out and try to stop worrying (wishful thinking!).

Actually I do have a question - did you have to take annual leave for treatment or did you get sick leave?

I’m really hoping there will be some cycle buddies out there for me too - feeling a bit lonely!


It is difficult once you’ve started the ball rolling as you just want to get on with it! I do think that from that perspective the short protocol is much kinder on the nerves - all the downregging for weeks is quite demanding emotionally.

I was lucky in that I had a very understanding boss, and my clinic had a satellite drop in place two roads away from my workplace where I could have all my monitoring (scans & bloods every other day) done - so I could do those in my lunch break. Each time I chose to take 10 days off after transfer - the first time I went sick from egg collection onwards for 10 days & said I’d had an operation (which was true after all!), my boss knew but didn’t mention to senior management or our hr dept bless him. Second time round I took 2 days sick then a week of holiday - it isn’t absolutely necessary but I was physically tired after surgery and mentally & emotionally drained… I just didn’t want to Benin work getting stressed on the 2ww but I know others find work helps them take their minds off it all! Do your work know?

*be in

Thanks Leah. Yes my manager knows and is very supportive. I had originally thought I would just have to take holidays but then heard of someone else taking it as sick leave. As you know I will have to be away from home for the whole treatment so won’t be able to work during it. So will need 2 weeks for the monitoring/treatment and then a week or so ‘recovery’. I was thinking maybe I would take the monitoring bit as holidays and then take time after as sick leave so I don’t use up all my holidays. I guess I’ll just have to run it past my boss and see what she thinks.

Just realised I haven’t even asked after you - sorry! How are you getting on? How’s motherhood treating you? :slight_smile:


Yes such a lot harder for you as you have to be away for the whole two weeks or so of monitoring as well - is the family going with you for the whole time? You could try to make a holiday of it perhaps (though you will have a lot on your mind the actual monitoring shouldn’t take more than an hour or so every couple of days normally) I hope your boss lets you take the period afterwards as sick - if you explain that you are having an operation that does normally help, lots of people don’t really appreciate what goes on with IVF, they seem to think the eggs magically get into the lab! I had a general anaesthetic but lots of places do it under sedation - either way you can let your boss know that you won’t be in a position to work that week. I’m glad they are supportive at least.

All is really good this end, I’m absolutely loving being a mummy at long last - don’t ever want to go back to work!

Hey Leah - Glad you are getting on so well. Going back to work is difficult but not as bad as I thought it would be. What kept me going was that I was still DD’s favourite person even though I was leaving her so much! I went back when she was 7 months. My boss has said I can take half of time off for IVF as leave and get the other half as paid leave so I am really pleased with that. Ovulated on Thursday so should be starting 28th/29th :slight_smile: Can’t wait.


Shona - just popping on to see if you’ve started? How is it all going?

Hi Leah, yes I have started :slight_smile: started on Sat with injections which I am finding really easy to give myself. I thought it would be much harder! Feeling a bit headachy but otherwise fine. Initial scan showed 7 follicles on one side and 4 on the other So they have started me on a lower dose of drug. I’m in tommorrow for progress scan and to get the second kind of injections. Feels weird to be actually here and started! Thanks for asking after me hun. Hope you are ok xxx

Just thought I would post an update in case anyone reads this thread and is interested! My July IVF cycle failed. Plan was for frozen cycle in Oct but we made the decision to postpone it to January…and then got a natural BFP! Was a shock to say the least. Have made it to 8 weeks and all is looking good. Xxx