Advice please!

Hi, I’m new to the forum and hoping somebody can help!

I had an ectopic pregnancy in 2012 after trying to conceive for 4 years. This resulted in right tube removal. I had a successful round of ivf in 2013 which gave us our beautiful daughter. We were told at the time that ivf was the safest option due to the remaining tube being damaged. Fast forward 3 years and we decided to go for ivf again and we were booked in to start a cycle this month. New Years Day I find out I’m pregnant naturally! Obviously we are over the moon but I’m so scared of another ectopic. I’m coming up to 6 weeks.

I’ve been to the GP who apparently referred me for an early scan, however I’ve now received a letter for a dating scan at the maternity unit which is on a Tuesday. Surely that’s too early for a dating scan? Anyway, it’s a scan nonetheless. I’ve phoned the early pregnancy unit and they didn’t seem interested! Who have you been involved with when having an early scan/tests etc?

I’ve had constant aching in my lower back and tummy (like period pains). I never had this with any of my previous pregnancies. Is this normal?

Thanks, and sorry, I’ve rambled on! x

Hello dear just read ur post! So for d previous lost n am glad u have a baby girl now. I had an ectopic in 2015 which lead to d removal of my left tube! I’ve been trying to conceive since march 2016, 3days ago I started feeling unusual pain so I decided to take a test, it came out positive I’ve been having mixed feelings since den cos of d unusual pain at right side of my belly. I booked to see d Dr. Just got d result of my scan its a miscarriage : :frowning: am really sad about d news. Just try n get a scan wish u luck! :smiley: