Advice please

Hi, I had an ectopic pregnancy in 2006 and my son in 2007 had a miscarriage 2 years later. I have recently found out I am pregnant, 5 weeks but am now bleeding…should I go get it checked now or wait until tomorrow? Any advice greatly received xx

Hi Nettie

Just checking to see how you are, did you get checked out x

Hi Nettie,

So sorry about your bleeding worries. I’m assuming you have been checked out now. Hope everything is okay and have everything crossed for you.

Much love,



Hi, I phoned the EPU who said their policy is never to scan before 6 weeks, they against the rules let me self refer and I have a scan booked for next Tuesday when I will be 6 weeks +2.

I spotted Sunday evening, slight bleed Monday morning then nothing, slightly heavier bleed with a clot Tuesday morning then nothing since. I have no pain and am rather confused by it all, I’ve had an ectopic, a pregnacy where I did bleed and a miscarriage but have never bleed and stopped like this so am rather confused xx

Big hugs to you Nettie, the roller coaster of worry you are on right now is awful!

EPUs typically don’t like to scan before six weeks because it isn’t usually possible to see anything on a scan. I am really glad they broke their own rules and allowed you to self refer though. It was the right thing to do and well done to you for pushing them on that. I have everything crossed for Tuesday for you.

Any bleeding in pregnancy is scary and is even scarier when you have sadly experienced ectopic pregnancy and miscarriage. There are many women who bleed and go on to have a successful pregnancy. You are right to be vigilant though and to get checked out as soon as possible. The medical professionals are likely to ask you what colour the blood was bright red (fresh) through to brown.

I feel terrible as I wish I could say more about the bleeding to give you answers rather than just be ‘sitting on the fence’ and being ‘wispy washy’ about it all but, because each persons bleed and medical history is so unique, it is impossible to suggest anything. Like you have rightly identified, the scan is the key.

I hope everything is okay.

Much love,



Thank you Alex x

Quick update.

Heartbeat and everything seen in right place…measuring small for my dates though, only 3mm

Thanks for your help xx

Hi Nettie

That’s great to hear, glad thinks are ok for you x look after yourself and you little one xx

Lots of love

Hi Nettie,

Massive hugs! Wonderful news!

Don’t be worried about ‘small for dates’… Women don’t always ovulate like textbooks and doctors suggest and so the ovulation date may have been later than the pregnancy calculator works with.

Much love,




I am bleeding :frowning:

I have a scan booked for tomorrow morning but am fearing the worst x

Oh Nettie , sorry to hear that, fingers crossed all will be ok tomorrow.

Sending lots of love and positive thoughts x

Second scan showed baby hadn’t grown and no longer has a heartbeat so missed miscarriage

I chose to let it miscarry by itself although I have the option of going back for medication if nothing happens

Thanks for your help xx

Oh Nettie, I’m so sorry to hear this, please take time, rest and do whatever you feel you need to xxxx

Sending lots of love and strength to you xx

Oh Nettie,

I could cry for you right now :frowning: I’m so sorry for your loss.

As well as having experienced an ectopic pregnancy I also experienced a missed miscarriage (the two aren’t medically related in any way) so understand how you feel about that and can answer any questions you may have if I can be of any help… If it helps you to know, I went on to have two children after suffering both of these losses.

Much love and thinking of you,



Thank you both for your kind words.

At the hospital before the scan the midwife said every pregnancy is different, don’t compare them …well so far I’ve had an ectopic, my son, a miscarriage and now a missed miscarriage so guess she was right :frowning:

The woman who scanned me wasn’t the most empathetic person in the world but the doctor and midwife were lovely.

I’m cramping slightly and bleeding a bit heavier so am hoping it’s starting to resolve naturally.

I’m numb, resigned, sad but you have both been a huge help…I now have to tell work tomorrow that I’m losing the baby after only just telling them about the pregnancy due to lots of lifting xx

Just look after rself, as we said take all the time you need x

We are all always here for you xxx

Alex or anyone can you advice please?

After spotting from Friday over a week ago, then having a scan on the Monday showing a missed miscarriage, I continued spotting until last Friday when I finally started bleeding red blood and some cramping. But my question is my bleeding is red but not heavier than a period, the cramping is no worse than period pain and I have passed some tiny clots but nothing major…is this the miscarriage? Shouldn’t I be in more pain with heavier bleeding? It is a while since my last miscarriage but then I passed a very small foetus and yolk sac.

I chose to not have medical management but I need for my own sanity for the miscarriage to happen and not be dragged out. I hope that doesn’t sound awful, I really wanted this baby but I also need this bit to be over with no uncertainty to grieve properly for a baby I didn’t plan but always wanted xx

Hi Nettie,

Hopefully one if the hosts will be along to give you some advice but I just wanted to send you a big hug, I admire how strong you seem during this incredibly sad and hard time.

Perhaps you should call the epu unit at your local hospital and ask them for advice, they would definitely understand you wanting to know if what you are experiencing is the miscarriage or if that is still to come - it doesn’t sound bad at all saying you want it over with, I completely understand and would feel the same way.

In my experience my miscarriage was incredibly painful and I had to be rushed to A&E, I was 6.5 weeks at the time and shocked by the pain, I was told at the hospital that every miscarriage is different so perhaps this time you will feel less pain but definitely use the NHS to answer your questions.

I am thinking if you and sending you lots of strength and courage


Hi, thank you for your reply.

I had some pain Monday night which was definitely my cervix opening, the pain eased but I am now bleeding and passing large clots so guess this is it xx

Dear Nettie

I’m sorry we weren’t along earlier. I think the advice to call your EPU is always best when you are unsure about how something feels. I don’t know if you have previously looked at their website but The Miscarriage Association has lots of information on what to expect during and after a miscarriage, however it is managed. They also have a forum a bit like this one (although you are of course welcome to use this one as much as you want - I just thought that people on there may be able to answer any questions about what you are experiencing at the moment).

Please do keep using these forums, we are here for you too!

Beth x - Host 7