As the title says, I am absolutely convinced I’m experiencing another ectopic.
Had one last April at 7 weeks presented to A+E at almost 8 weeks with really bad right sided pain and pain when going to toilet. Treated with MXT though I begged to have my tube removed due to the fact I KNOW this tube is trouble, I’ve had pain it in for about 4 years! (Think due to previous surgery scarring)
Just found out I’m pregnant again. I’m 4 weeks according to app. My symptoms have me convinced its bad news.
Bad stuff:
Constant Sharp, pinching niggly pains in right side (not enough to send me to a and e but enough to have me panicking for sure)
Dull ache in lower back
Pregnancy tests are coming up rubbish (easyat home) hardly any progress between 11 dpo and 16 dpo.
My digital test showed 1-2 weeks when my app says 4.
Confusing stuff:
I definitely had a tiny tiny implant bleed at 11dpo which is what prompted me to start testing…can you even have an implant bleed if not in uterus?
I got pos LH test at cycle day 11/12 which is usual for me, and I think implanting at 11dpo is quite late? So maybe that’s why my tests are quite faint? My cycles are bang on 26 days every time
I occasionally get pinching pains on the not bad side too but not constant like the right sided pains.
I had a blood draw this arvo and have one on Thurs but as you all know I’m basically torturing myself. I feel absolutely no hope, like my gut is telling me to listen to the niggly pains, the faint lines…that something isn’t right.
Please send me anything to help me