A week after surgery - anxious about trying again

I had surgery last week to remove my left tube. My HCG was 14,000 at the time. It was obviously a very stressful experience. I thought I had a miscarriage the month before , called EPU and they told me to stop testing as pregnancy hormones would be in my system for a while. Sadly this advice is what meant I didn’t catch it sooner. However they operated successfully and confirmed my other tube and ovaries look healthy. He said I have two nodules of mild endo behind uterus. And no adhesions from my c section last year.

I have a one year old baby who I am still breastfeeding. I want one more child which we hope to try for in the next few months. I am terrified of this happening again and losing my right tube.

  • Could the breastfeeding have caused the ectopic due to a hormone imbalance? My ovulation has been all over the place
  • In the UK they only offer early scan at 6/7 weeks no bloods when pregnancy. The midwife said early bloods can give confusing info as every woman is different. If I do choose to get bloods should I do this privately?
  • Is there anything I can do to avoid it next time?

Hi starry12345,

I’m so sorry to hear you’ve suffered this ectopic pregnancy and loss. It’s important for you to remember that there was nothing you did to cause nor nothing that could have prevented an ectopic pregnancy. Many women experience a mix of feelings and this can include grief, hurt at loss and anger. Trying not to blame yourself is important, as it is no fault of yours, and nothing sadly, could have been done from stopping the ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage from happening.

Often the precise reason for an ectopic pregnancy may never be known. Sadly there is nothing that can be done to guarantee that it will never happen again and it isn’t because of something you did or didn’t do. Sometimes these feelings are hard to communicate with others, and for that reason, we at the Trust believe that talking through what happened and your emotions as and when you can help the healing process.

We operate a helpline service, and there’s no pressure whatsoever but if you would ever like the opportunity to speak over the phone to someone who has been through a similar experience, do feel free to call, details are below. We can take things at your pace entirely, and you are free to ask any questions that are on your mind. You can talk about the ordeal you have been through and express your feelings to vent and let off some steam. We can exchange emails too if you prefer that route.

No matter what, we are here for you whenever you need. Please know you are not alone and take all the time you need to look after yourself and recover. We are here for you whenever you want to talk.

With good wishes,


The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust

Registered Charity Number: 1071811

Ectopic pregnancy patient information suite: Highly Commended in the 2019 BMA Patient Information Awards

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Email us: ept@ectopic.org.uk

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Detailed medical information can be found on our website. Please remember online medical information is NO SUBSTITUTE for expert medical advice from your own health care team