A message of hope

A message of hope

A year ago I was in agony 10 days post emergency surgery to remove an ectopic pregnancy and losing my left tube.

I was trawling these forums for support and reading people’s experiences not knowing anyone in real life who truly knew what it felt like to lose a baby in this way.

I am sorry you are going through this, it is truly so painful and devastating to go through and can feel so isolating.

In the space of a week between the sheer delight of a positive test after ttc my world was torn apart.

A whole week being pregnant and picturing life with my baby. I didn’t even know what an ectopic was when the Dr scanning me talked about how we couldnt do the ‘wait and see’ approach (expectant management) and I thought that meant wait and see if baby would move to the right place.

The days that followed the operation were dark and despairing, I cried and cried and retreated and could not bear to hear about other people’s babies or look to any kind of future.

In my wildest dreams I never imagined I would be holding my baby girl in my arms a year later.

Reaching out on the forums, grieving the loss of my baby, crying, calling/emailing helplines, finding articles/blogs/success stories and eventually talking all were a source of support. I found by opening up many women shared losses they had faced with me - I found out my auntie had an ectopic before she had my cousins and I had never known, friends and their mums told me things that had happened to them. I was grateful to hear their experiences and success stories and this all helped find the strength to face all the anxiety involved in trying again, which was terrifying but all utterly worth it.

So sending hope and strength to those that might need to hear it - wishing you your rainbow babies too :heart:


Thanks for posting this. I hope to have an ending like yours one day but it’s so great to hear that someone out there had success. Wishing you well in 2021!

Thanks for sharing. I had my ectopic 6 weeks ago and lost my left tube. I pray that I will have a success story to share with everyone some day. I’m being as positive as I can but I’m also 39 so time isn’t on my side. You conceived again quite quickly though so that gives me hope! :slight_smile:

Dear cka,

Thank you so much for taking the time to post on the boards, you really will give hope to so many.

Huge congratulations on the safe arrival of your daughter, give her an extra cuddle from all here at the EPT team.

Sending much love,

Karen x

The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust

Registered Charity Number: 1071811

Ectopic pregnancy patient information suite: Highly Commended in the 2019 BMA Patient Information Awards

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