So I have had ultrasound at 5 weeks (last week) and was shown that there was what would they expect to see in the uterus at this time and I’m to go back next week for another scan to check for hear beat. However today and yesterday I am getting awful cramps where I had the tube removal, I’m going to the toilet a lot also (number 2) as my previous was misdiagnosed I am somewhat panicking that this may also be. I feel pregnant, did not last time just ill. But I also can’t cope with these cramps they are worse than my period cramping and I have bad pains then due to pcos. I’m not bleeding so the hospital are not concerned but I never bled out with my ectopic either even when it ruptured. Is this just gonna be thsi painful the whole pregnancy and is the new norm? Mentally I am panicking again.
Hi Stacey,
I’m glad to hear that you’ve had the ultrasound and a whispered congratulations on the pregnancy. I know how challenging our future pregnancies can be following ectopic pregnancy. It is also the case that following our ectopic experiences, we may have heightened sensations. Every twinge, pain, and sensation can create anxieties about how the pregnancy is progressing. I would suggest that you keep a pain diary, noting the location and strength of the pain and anything that helped to relieve it. I also believe that women need to advocate for themselves and ask the questions of their GPs. Please feel confident in asking the questions you have, especially if you are feeling increasing pain.
It can be very difficult to quiet our minds, and I hope during this time, you can be extra kind to yourself and take things easy. I hope as things progress that the pain settles, giving you some additional peace and reassurance.
With good wishes,
Registered Charity Number: 1071811
The EPT is awarded the PIF TICK as a Trusted Information Creator, the UK-wide quality mark for healthcare information
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Just wanted to update had another scan 2 days ago and was measuring 7 weeks 1 day eith a lovely heart beat I will keep updating as I search through others feeds for answers and believe others may do the same. I’m now having pain the other side but know everything is fine so guessing it is ligament or growing pains. Pregnancy sickness has hit full time unfortunately but I’m managing to cope by eating small and regular meals.
Dear Stacey louise,
Congratulations on this lovely news.
You can get aches and pains during early pregnancy, but I would always advise to seek medical advice with any concerns about it,
Sending much love and positive thoughts for your future scans
Karen x
The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust
Registered Charity Number: 1071811
The EPT is awarded the PIF TICK as a Trusted Information Creator, the UK-wide quality mark for healthcare information
If the information provided here or through the EPT website has helped you, you can donate towards our support services, volunteer, or fundraise to raise awareness.
Further information is available on our website.
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We provide a call-back support line: 020 7733 2653. We are able to provide support in multiple languages including British Sign Language.
Take a look at our newsletters and subscribe to our mailing list.
Detailed medical information can be found on our website. Please remember online medical information is NO SUBSTITUTE for expert medical advice from your own health care team