4 weeks pregnant after ectopic pregnancy

Hi everyone ,

I’ve recently found out I’m 4 weeks pregnant. I had an ectopic 5 months ago so I’m very nervous about it repeating as I know I’ve ovulated from the same tube.

Since ovulation, I’ve had pain in my tube this has been since the ectopic. It last for 2 weeks and I normally get my period and it stops.

So I’ve found out I’m pregnant but the tests are a very light line. The clear blue is reading 1-2 weeks which is about right as I’m 4 weeks today.

Anyways, I’ve been in pain since. The pain is on the left side by not by my hip unlike previous ectopic. It’s a constant dull ache that feels a bit like a water infection but is not. Seems worse when I’m sitting down and in bed to be honest. But I’m not bleeding like the last ectopic .

Has anyone with a previous ectopic had this and everything be OK?

I’ve asked to have my hcg bloods done by gp but they wouldn’t let me get an appointment to get them done without getting permission from gp or midwife first so I can’t see them till Monday now.

Hi Ashley,

I’m so sorry to hear you are going through this worrying time. First, a whispered congratulations on your pregnancy. I know what an anxious time this can be, and it’s very normal to have a mixture of feelings with subsequent pregnancies following our ectopic experiences.

An early scan (at around six weeks) can be a very helpful marker of where the pregnancy is currently residing and may help to provide reassurance. If you are in the UK, you can self-refer to your local EPU (early pregnancy unit) for an early scan (and the Trust recommends this self-refer pathway).

I know it’s incredibly difficult to do (easy to say), but do your best to look after yourself, stay calm, and take this period slowly. However, if your pain is continuing or increasing, it is important to be seen by your GP. It would be helpful to share with them the intensity of pain, when it happens, and if anything helps mitigate it.

We are here for you anytime and for as long as you need.

With good wishes,


The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust

Registered Charity Number: 1071811

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Detailed medical information can be found on our website. Please remember online medical information is NO SUBSTITUTE for expert medical advice from your own health care team

Hi Ashley

I too found out I was pregnant at 4 weeks and had been experiencing aches and pains on my ectopic side so I completely understand what you’re going through. Everything turned out positively for me and I’m currently 33 weeks pregnant! The best thing you can do is try to relax although I know it’s easier said than done! and make sure you get a scan booked in asap!

I am keeping everything crossed for you x

Hiya everyone ,

Thanks for replying.

I am sure this is another ectopic as my tests aren’t getting darker and I’m currently 4 weeks and 3 days.

I do have a scan booked tomorrow . This hospital has treated me way better than the last hospital already. Although I don’t think they will see anything yet , it will be nice to get some answers and get my bloods done to find out what’s going on . The pain has moved to my groin and hip now so I really do feel this is another ectopic.

Natasha: do you remember where you aches and pains were located ? I no longer no whats normal as I’ve never had a normal pregnancy ? Thank you for taking your time to reply to me x

Hey Ashley

Hopefully at 4 weeks and 4 days when you have your scan tomorrow they will at least be able to locate the gestational sac in the correct place which will reassure you it’s not ectopic!

So I had period like cramps all over my tummy but specifically more painful on my ectopic side of my tummy, it literally felt like my period was going to start at any moment.

I also felt dizzy and had a headache, I posted on here for advice just like you have looking for advice and positive stories, then when I went for my scan I think it was 5 weeks along they saw the sac but no baby and I was sent away with a “pregnancy of unknown viability” leaflet which was hard to take after being told it was in the right place this time. I then waited until I was 6 weeks and went for a private scan where we saw a baby and a heartbeat!

I really really really hope you get an outcome like mine, and If you don’t just remember your time will come. Keep me updated after your scan tomorrow!! x

Hiya natasha ,

You were right everything was indeed in the right place!

The pain was a pregnancy cyst on my ectopic side so I have released an egg from what I thought was my bad tube and its made it to the right spot!

I have been released the same as you with pregnancy of uncertain viability and go back at 6 weeks for a heartbeat check.

Bit of blood around baby but she said that’s normal for 4 weeks as could be implantation.

Thank you for your help getting me through this with less worry xx

Oh Ashley I am so pleased for you!!

At least you know what the pain you were having is caused from too, I ovulated from my ectopic side too so we must have been experiencing the same kinda thing!

Not too long to wait for your 6 week scan either, please let me know how you get on! You are soo welcome :heart:
