I’m going through self resolving ectopic at the moment (3 weeks after “big bleed”).
Hcg was 2 last week so that’s good.
Ultrasound shows I have a pretty big mass in affected tube (100×26×38 mm). It didn’t change much after 2 weeks.
Can somebody share an experience?
I was offered a laparoscopy to remove a tube. Other doctor advice to wait and see. So confusing :roll:
Dear Sarah,
I am so sorry to hear of your ectopic pregnancy and loss,
In some instances after methotrexate injection or expectant management where the pregnancy self resolves, the fallopian tube may remain blocked by the pregnancy tissue which can take some time to shrink and, occasionally, it may not shrink and will leave a blockage in the tube by way of a small cyst. The ‘reabsorption’ of the cyst can take weeks and sometimes months to be complete. I am afraid it can be difficult to be precise because our bodies are all unique and we respond differently physiologically with what is happening.
Unfortunately I am not medically trained so cannot give you specific advice on your query and I would be guided by medical advice. You can ask to speak to your doctor’s again if you have been given conflicting information to ask their specific advice.
Sending much love,
Karen x
The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust
Registered Charity Number: 1071811
Ectopic pregnancy patient information suite: Highly Commended in the 2019 BMA Patient Information Awards
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