How long before mass resolves?

I had methotrexate 1 month ago. Yesterday i had ultrasound mass is still there.

How long before your mass resolved?

Did you get a follow up ultrasound?

Dear More2come,

I am so sorry to hear of your ectopic pregnancy and loss,

The reabsorption you refer to can take weeks and sometimes months to be complete. I am afraid it can be difficult to be precise because our bodies are all unique and we respond differently physiologically with what is happening. In some instances, the fallopian tube may remain blocked by the pregnancy tissue which can take some time to shrink and, occasionally, it may not shrink and will leave a blockage in the tube by way of a small cyst. However, the use of Methotrexate does not reduce the chances of successful future pregnancy, whatever the outcome in the affected fallopian tube.

It is not common practice for further scans, however do speak with your medical practitioner if you remain concerned.

It maybe of some comfort to know that the chances of a further ectopic after a first in UK is 10%. So that’s 90% chance of the embryo being in right place next time.

Sending much love,

Karen x

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