I had an ectopic pregnancy during the Summer and had surgery to end this pregnancy on 15th August.
I had 2 regular periods following this surgery and then we started to try again.
I have endometriosis and PCOS so experience a lot of pain on a daily basis.
However today I experienced excruciating pain and bleeding has started. My periods would typically be painful and heavy however I am so anxious and paranoid this is the start of an ectopic pregnancy again.
During the summer I was unable to recognise initially I was having an ectopic pregnancy and thought I was having a bad period.
I am testing and it’s coming up as negative but I am experiencing a lot of pain.
I also wanted to ask if anyone experienced regular shoulder/arm pain post ectopic pregnancy as this happens to me quite a lot.
I am so scared I will miss the signs again and awful things will happen.
It sounds ridiculous as I know this could be period and maybe I can’t tell the difference.
Any advice would be appreciated.
A very worried lady x