Hi All! This is my first post to this board so I will give a quick introduction: This is my 5th pregnancy (2 miscarriages, 2 live births, and this). I had complicated deliveries and surgeries in the past on my uterus and bladder leaving behind lots of scar tissue. After taking home pregnancy tests last week, I got several increasingly dark positive results over a few days. I saw my this Monday and she sent me for an U/S due to my complicated history. At the U/S I am 4 weeks pregnant exactly and the U/S doctor couldn’t find anything within my uterus but did write the following in my report:
"A thick-walled left adnexal mass measuring about 3.1 x 2.5 x 2.1 cm with a central sac-like structure is suspected.
An ectopic embryo or ectopic cardiac activity could not be demonstrated.
Free fluid is seen around the left ovary and in the cul de sac."
My doctor thinks it was too early to see anything and that since my HCG that same day was 197 that we should wait until I am further along to rescan. My HCG since Monday did double normally at my blood draw today (from 197 to 439).
I have been searching the internet and it seems so very early to make any judgement calls, but I am just looking for anyone that had results like this so early in their pregnancy. I’m really just lost and scared and the wait for more scans until next week is driving me crazy.
Thank you!
Hi - I had an ectopic pregnancy but I didn’t have my HCG monitored so I’m afraid I can’t help with that - but just wanted to wish you luck and say I’m keeping everything crossed for you that it’s a normal pregnancy. I know it’s horrible waiting to find out what’s going and difficult to find things to try and distract you
Thank you! My doctor called and I have follow up ultrasound scheduled on Tuesday morning. It feels like ages away, but I’m hoping I will find some things to distract myself a bit.
I’m so sorry that you’re dealing with this. I found out I was pregnant on June 2nd, it was very unexpected. We were shocked at first, but it soon turned to excitement. I was measuring 4 weeks going by my last cycle and my hcg levels were 149 Two days later I started spotting and cramping, so I returned to the hospital and they rechecked my levels and they had more than doubled so they seen no concern, just said sometimes women bleed at first, did a transvaginal ultrasound and didn’t see anything but my lining was thick and said it was too early to really tell. So, I had repeat hcg checks and it was more than doubling each time. Fast forward a few more hospital visits…
I started having terrible cramps and decided I should get checked…they told me I was having a miscarriage and wanted me to take the methotrexate shots and I refused until they did more blood work and a scan. The ob thought since my levels were more than doubling that it could be a possibility I was carrying twins and it was still too early, had a scan and they seen nothing. Only thing they seen was fluid around my right ovary and told me it was an ectopic. I had the 2 shots and was sent home.
It was very heartbreaking and hard to hear. The next couple weeks I had to have blood drawn to make sure my levels were dropping. They’re finally back to normal now and we have to wait 3 months to try again.
I’ve always wondered why my levels were rising so good and it not be a viable pregnancy. Everything I’ve read says that with an ectopic, your levels rise slowly.
Good luck on your scan! Hopefully everything is normal.