Struggling back at work


I have recently experience ectopic with the removal of my right tube.

Just wondering if anyone struggled back to work?

I’ve had 2.5 weeks off and because I work in an office I thought it might be better to get me back around people, as soon as I walked in I had abit of a breakdown and had to go home.

Has anyone else found the transition back hard?

Hey, I’m due back next week. I was signed off for 6 by the surgeon.

I think I’m going to start on reduced hours. Would find the day too long as still recovering plus the mental side.

I’m not surprised you feel emotional. Can you meet with your boss or HR to discuss your hours? And maybe take some extra time off or do less hours? It’s quite soon that you have returned. I totally get that you think people around you will help though and it probably does but maybe just a few hours a day and then build it up?

Hope you are ok and feeling better after your surgery. A truly tough time hey. Xx

Dear jharts,

I am so sorry to hear of your ectopic pregnancy and loss,

Surgery is an immense ordeal for the body to go through. In general, after about six weeks you should be able to return to most jobs from a physical point of view. However, if your role involves manual handling, we suggest that it would be sensible to have a phased approach, gently building up to the usual extent of activity. I would suggest avoiding a rapid return to strenuous activities as it is important to build up strength after recovery.

A few options may be available depending on the role: might there be an opportunity to work reduced hours, increasing them slowly over a few weeks? Perhaps there are certain tasks that you could take on which may entail a change from your usual role or a series of reduced tasks initially? I am not sure whether this is appropriate in your circumstances, but is there anything that you could action from home (which may be different from your usual role but still be of use)?

Many women experience pain after surgery and this can be the case weeks or months after the trauma. Pain is the body’s sign to rest and it is important to be guided by this and taking it easier if you experience discomfort.

In addition, it is worth bearing in mind that experiencing ectopic pregnancy is a very frightening experience and many women need to take time to help them deal with the psychological/emotional impact of the loss of their baby, being diagnosed with a life-threatening condition and undergoing major surgery. Please speak to your GP about having further time off work if required.

Sending much love,

Karen x

The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust

Registered Charity Number: 1071811

Ectopic pregnancy patient information suite: Highly Commended in the 2019 BMA Patient Information Awards

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Hi there,

So sorry for your loss. I too experienced an ectopic and received surgery two weeks today to remove my right tube. Some days I feel fine and other days very emotional, the longing for a family is so strong at times :disappointed: I am due back to work tomo as a community carer and I’m starting to panic about how I will feel, not only emotionally but physically too. I have developed an infection in one of the incisions and I am currently on antibiotics. I feel like people have stopped asking how I am and that we should just be fine. Hope you have people that you can talk too x

I had my surgery 3 weeks ago and had my left tube removed via key hole. I am due to return to work next Monday which will be 4 weeks post op. I’m still having some pains and emotionally a bit of a wreck and find that I am very tired throughout the day. I have tried little trips to the supermarket with my partner just to get out and moving a bit. I work in a children’s nursery and I’m head of the 2-3 year old room. I had a sick note from gp for 3 weeks and have let my employer know I will be returning on the 18th October 2021, but I’m starting to worry how I will cope with 9hour shifts and looking after 16 little ones every day. They are aware I cannot do heavy lifting etc but just worried about how I will cope. Also worried to let them know I need more time off as my absence has left them short staffed. Any advise of what to do.

I don’t think a phased return will be possible due to staff child ratios etc.


So sorry for your loss, I am 4 weeks post op, burst ectopic and left tube removal. I don’t think that 2.5 weeks is anywhere near enough time for you and I imagine that you will go back to work and then have to take more time off. Myself at that stage I was still in shock and my emotions have only really started to break through properly the past week or so. I’ve been taking it very slowly and have been out a few time but always feel very sore and tired the next day, so I imagine that you will over do it going back so soon! Of course we are all different however I have a very physical job and sounds like you do too so I’m taking the advice given to me by surgeon / doctor / etc to really let ourselves be fully healed so we don’t end up taking a few steps back. I understand the urge to return to work and try to get back to normal. I’m super stubborn and hate this lack of control I have over the situation. Have noticed a few times I’ve been out I’ve felt extremely panicky, I assume its just the sudden change from being home and safe to suddenly being in a noisy environment, my fear also is I know when people ask me how I am I get the urge to cry, so let yourself recover emotionally as well.

Wishing you the best and take good care of yourself. xx