Returning to work

Hi all,

I had an ectopic 5 weeks ago leading to key hole surgery to removed my ruptured tube.

I’ve had 5 weeks off as I had some complications with dizziness and headaches post op but I am starting to feel normal again now.

I’m still a little tender and feel really lethargic all the time so I’m stressing my self out returning to work where I work full time.

I want to go back and get back to normality but I’m worried about feeling crappy at work.

How have you all found returning to work?



Dear Kelly,

I am so sorry to hear of your ectopic pregnancy and loss.

My situation was a little different as I was treated with methotraxate. I only took a week off work then worked part time hours the following week before returning full time. In hindsight this was not enough time physically, let alone coping emotionally and I wish I had taken more time off to allow time to grieve.

Surgery is an immense ordeal for the body to go through. In general, after about six weeks, you should be able to return to most jobs from a physical point of view. However, if your role involves manual handling, we suggest that it would be sensible to have a phased approach, gently building up to the usual extent of activity. I would suggest avoiding a rapid return to strenuous activities as it is important to build up strength after recovery.

A few options may be available depending on the role: might there be an opportunity to work reduced hours, increasing them slowly over a few weeks? Perhaps there are certain tasks that you could take on which may entail a change from your usual role or a series of reduced tasks initially? I am not sure whether this is appropriate in your circumstances, but is there anything that you could action from home (which may be different from your usual role but still be of use)?

Many women experience pain after surgery and this can be the case weeks or months after the trauma. Pain is the body’s sign to rest and it is important to be guided by this and taking it easier if they experience discomfort.

In addition, it is worth bearing in mind that experiencing ectopic pregnancy is a very frightening experience and many women need to take time to help them deal with the psychological/emotional impact of the loss of their baby, being diagnosed with a life-threatening condition and undergoing major surgery.

We are all different and cope in varying ways. Keep an open dialogue with your employer and listen to your body.

Sending much love,

Karen x

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Hi Kelly

I returned to work yesterday after five weeks off being treated with four rounds of methotrexate then surgery to remove an ectopic in my caesarean scar.

I tried to go back the week before but ended up in tears in the car so I knew I needed more time.

Yesterday I did a full day of chatting and meetings in heels - 8 to 530 - and thought I was doing so well. Today I got to 3pm and had to force myself out the door which was lucky as I woke up fully dressed (including heels and security pass) on top of my handbag on my bed at 630pm when hubby got home!

I’ve had a good reminder that it needs to be a gentle stroll back into working life if your circumstances allow it, rather than a sprint!!

When are you thinking of going back? Can you try part time hours for a bit?



I returned to work on Monday then my day off was Tuesday and back weds-sat the rest of week.

I work in a bank so have I am normally faced with customer 9-5 and have to be on the ball.

Luckily my managers been understanding and letting me ease my way back to seeing customers but I wish I’d of reduced my hours.

I didn’t think my experience had effected me emotionally as I wasn’t planning for a child neither am ready for one, but since the op it’s all I can think about.

I also still feel really weak and my stomach starts to feel tender after a few hours especially when I’m on my feet.

Thanks for responding both it’s so nice to be able to speak to people who have gone through it xxx