Hi. Sorry for the long post. I had my last real period October 16th. Then found out I was pregnant. I started spotting on December 2nd and knew something wasn’t right. My hcg was 1200 that day and by December 16th was 395. It was confirmed December 21st that I had a cesarean scar ectopic pregnancy, and had 100mg of methotrexate Injected the same day. I did pass some weird looking tissue a week and a half later and by January 8th my hcg was 0.6. Since getting the shot I have mostly had heavy bleeding with clots the whole time. I was sent to the er January 18th, they did an ultrasound and they said everything looked normal. The bleeding stopped for 2 days then picked right back up and is still heavy. This is 6 weeks after methotrexate. Had anyone else bled for soo long? This is exhausting!!!
Dear Jess,
I am so sorry to hear of your ectopic pregnancy and loss,
It is not unusual for women to bleed after treatment for ectopic pregnancy. This first bleed after treatment is a response to falling hormone levels and involves shedding of the uterine lining and is not classed as a period. The length of the bleeding can vary from woman to woman and some women do report spotting and bleeding for up to around six weeks after an ectopic pregnancy.
While this is usually nothing to worry about, as your bleeding is still very heavy with clots, have a chat to your GP, even if just to put your mind at rest. If you find that the bleeding increases so that you are soaking more than a pad in an hour or have offensive smelling discharge or body temperature of more than 37°C, please do get medical attention.
Sending much love,
Karen x
The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust
Registered Charity Number: 1071811
Ectopic pregnancy patient information suite: Highly Commended in the 2019 BMA Patient Information Awards
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