Hi everyone, please I have a question.
6 weeks ago I got methotrexate, after which I bled for about a week and it stopped. my levels are now 3200 from 19000. However, my pregnancy wasn’t completely ruled ectopic but that there was still reminants in my uterus. Today “, I bled a bit, well I would say I have been spotting since yesterday with lower abdomen and lower back pain which feels like cramps. It really isn’t an excruciating pain. I am able to go about my normal routine. Is this normal ? I’m just a bit curious. Did this happen to anyone ?
Please I would appreciate answers
Dear Clir,
It is normal to have bleeding and discomfort as your hCG levels reduce.
It is important however to monitor it and if the bleeding becomes heavier or pain worsens or you feel dizzy and unwell, you must seek urgent medical advice.
Sending much love,
Karen x
The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust
Registered Charity Number: 1071811
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