I had an ectopic three years ago next month and have currently been undergoing fertility treatment for the last two years. Obviously due to the current situation it stopped abruptly in March and hasn’t restarted again…yet. Since it stopped I had periods…getting later each time until they were 10days late. Then it was suddenly 20days late and I started bleeding. Did all the pregnancy tests-negative. However after five days I still hadn’t stopped bleeding (I normally only last 5days) after 7 I still hadn’t stopped. Been back and forwards with doctors and had scans and more tests. Everything normal. It’s now 39 days and I’m still bleeding. I was given transanemic acid to take by that hasn’t done much. At times I thought it had stopped but then I get cramp and it’s back again. The doctors keep saying it’s hormonal imbalance due to treatment stopping. So my question is…
Has this happened to anybody else?
Is it normal?
Starting to go a bit crazy over here. Ringing doctors again tomorrow to try northisterone which was mentioned. Can’t get back in touch with fertility doctor due to current situation. I also take metformin for suspected poly cystic ovaries … only noticed at a scan in feb
Thanks in advance.