Hi, I started bleeding last week and went into the EPU and they couldn’t find a pregnancy the sonographer found 2 large cysts and an unknown structure on my right ovary, I then had a cancer scare whilst they were checking my bloods for CA125 markers, luckily this came back negative. My HCG levels were dropping but only very slowly.
On Monday I had another scan and they found an ectopic pregnancy in my right tube close to the ovary - whilst feeling relieved there is no cancer, since finding out I am feeling super sad.
I received methotrexate 2 days ago and have not been able to get out of bed. Really fatigued and constantly nauseous (was sick twice yesterday). Just wondering if anyone had experienced similar symptoms and how long they lasted? I felt I was dealing with the loss a lot better last week as I was able to get on with things but now I am stuck at home in bed feeling sad and anxious