

So I started bleeding with right handed side pain on the 6th of Jan. My local EPU would see me till the following Monday for a scan - I should have been over 6 weeks but they couldn’t seen anything.

They basically diagnosed me with pregnancy in unknown location. And I was given my first methotrexate injection on the 17th of Jan - after the 4 day check my hcg had increased then by day 7 my levels were static. So I was given another methotrexate jag on 23rd of Jan. I go in today for mu day 4 check but I’m just not hopeful :cry:

I have been having some pains/ bleeding and mainly feeling nauseous.

I just wondered if anyone has experience with having the 2nd injection like what the symptoms were and if they were worse than the first jag etc? Badly needing some reassurance x

Dear kforsyth,

I am so sorry to hear of your ectopic pregnancy and loss,

Side effects from methotrexate are quite varied however most commonly include cramping abdominal (tummy) pain which is the most common side effect, and it usually occurs during the first 2 to 3 days of treatment.

Fatigue – Many people feel very tired and are shocked by the sheer exhaustion that they encounter during treatment;

Vaginal bleeding or spotting;

Nausea, vomiting, and indigestion;

Light-headedness or dizziness

Having said this as pain is very subjective if you experience pain that isn’t settling with over the counter medication or it is worsening or you feel dizzy and unwell, please seek urgent medical advice.

Sending much love,

Karen x

The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust

Registered Charity Number: 1071811

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I’m sorry, I can’t answer your question because I’m in a similar spot as you, so I’m following your question because I have the same fears. I’m sorry you have to get a second injection. I just received my first dose of methotrexate yesterday, Jan. 31, and today have had the same symptoms you described: nausea, cramping, still spotting. If my hcg levels haven’t decreased by Thursday, I’ll have to have the second injection too. I’m so sorry you’re experiencing this but it’s also a comfort to not feel alone. <3