I had a emergency surgery on the 6th January for an Ectopic pregnancy and had to remove the right tube and the baby as the tube erupted.
Its been 6 weeks now and I had my first period last Tuesday, which was extremely painful like never before.
I am now having a sharp stabbing pain in the right side of my abdomen. I am scared and worried if something has gone wrong. I am feeling dizzy and tired as well.
Should i be worried and get an appointment with my GP?
I am so sorry to hear of your ectopic pregnancy and loss.
Many women report that their 1st period following ectopic pregnancy is more painful and heavier, however I am not medically trained and as you also say you are experiencing sharp stabbing pain and feel dizzy and unwell, I would advise that you seek medical attention.
Sending much love,
Karen x
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Hi, I had a ep removed and my right tube unfortunately on the 5th Feb. I was doing fine and starting to feel fine however a week after had so much pain, and I felt like something was wrong went to gp, who then sent me to my local hospital and was seen by the gyn team. After thinking the worse, I was told everything looked fine. What I had done two days ago before this happened, I pushed myself to go out, trying to forget things and all I did was walk more than normal. I was told, I need to rest, rest rest. Do nothing. I was given painkillers and all I did was rest for few days and the pain was getting better. I have been taking it really easy, it’s coming upto 4 weeks now and unfortunately if I walk more than I should the pain is back. The physical scars may have healed but the internal stitches take a long time to do so. The pain is to tell us, we aren’t ready and to take it easy. xx